
ntopng - next generation network top / News: Recent posts


New ntop release 3.3.10

Posted by R.Paterna 2009-05-22


New stable version of ntop 3.3.9

Posted by R.Paterna 2008-12-13

3.3 Release Candidate

The first seed of ntop 3.3 has been released. Please test it on your system and report comments/issues to the ntop mailing lists.

Posted by Luca Deri 2007-02-06

3.2 Posted

Yup - latest release - available since late October - see the files section!

Posted by Burton M. Strauss III 2005-11-15

3.1 Posted

ntop 3.1 is out!

Posted by Burton M. Strauss III 2004-12-13

Problem Report form built in to ntop

On the about menu, look for the 'bug' icon. Submit them to the ntop mailing list.

STRONGLY prefered for ALL reports except for compiler errors.


Posted by Burton M. Strauss III 2003-02-12

Mailing lists and trackers...

Have been disabled because nobody was monitoring them. I've left the features request for long term "gee ntop should do this" stuff.

Please direct all questions, problems, bugs, etc. to the ntop and ntop-dev mailing lists.

You can subscribe to them via
The ntop lists are also archived at gmane, and read more

Posted by Burton M. Strauss III 2002-11-06