
Novosoft UML Library for Java / News: Recent posts

nsuml1_3 and nsuml1_4 joined with nsmdf download

Because nsuml1_3 and nsuml1_4 are released when nsmdf is released, they are now released under the nsmdf package name. In case when there will be needed release not synchronous with nsmdf release, fourth number in version will be used for this puporse like

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2002-10-23

JMI 1.0 draft were updated

There is an updated draft of specfication on JMI site. New version of draft conain word updated in name of file. Draft were released about 5th december 2001.

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2001-12-21

nsumdf 0.1.1 is out

This version contains changes that are needed for support of latest version of JMI specfication draft.

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2001-12-21

NSMDF 0.1.0 is now based on JMI draft specification

The first version of nsmdf that is based on JMI public draft specification is released. We have also released nsuml1_4 project that is also JMI based.

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2001-09-28

NSMDF 0.0.9 released

This release contains some improvements in saving files w/o false deltas and also introduces backward incompatible changes to event handling. Not tracking changes on properties is simplified. Old functionality is still avaiable from from adapter class. NSUML1_3/NSUML1_4 0.0.7 releases are releases with updated jars.

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2001-05-10

NSMDF 0.0.6 released

NSMDF hvae been updated to version 0.0.6. This version contains fixes that make it more usable with cvs. Particulary it keeps xmi.ids after loading and sort elements by ids when saving to avoid false deltas.

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2001-04-06

NSMDF 0.0.1 sources are in the CVS

Novosoft Metadata Framework sources are in CVS repository as nsmdf module. Check them out. Sources could be also downloaded from sourceforge downloads.

It an MAJOR revision to nsuml generator.

It consists from following modules.

1. nsmdf

Sources are in "src" directory These are base classes and interfaces for repositories.

2. nsmdf_gen

Sources are in "generator" directory. This is a generator for framework. It uses earlier versions of nsmdf library and nsmof library for generation, these previous version are tested to work with currect version of generator. In theoiry it will be able to take any valid version of MOF 1.1 XMI and generate repostory using it.... read more

Posted by Constantine A. Plotnikov 2001-02-02