
Smokeping on NST

  • rrhoads

    rrhoads - 2012-08-24

    Hello!  I am trying to add smokeping to my NST install and am having trouble.  I have successfully compiled everything I need and can get SmokePing to run without issue, however, where I have trouble is getting the graphs to come up.  I admit to not knowing Apache all that well.   I would also like to have the page come up on HTTP not under HTTPS which is what it does (and with a borken cert which is due to the web URL not matching the cert I'm sure).  Any help would be appreciated.

  • Ronald W. Henderson


    Thanks for pointing out this networking utility. We are currently preparing a new update release of NST 2.16.0. smokeping will not be included unfortunately.

    There is currently a fedora RPM package for 'smokeping' v2.4.2 - not the latest release though :(

    Use the following to install:

    yum install smokeping

    Here is an example for you to use HTTPS with the NST apache web server without authentication:

    It assumes the smokeping htdocs are in '/usr/share/smokeping'

    <Directory /usr/share/smokeping>
      Options None
      Satisfy Any
      Allow from all

    Alias /smokeping /usr/share/smokeping

    From a browser client use the following to access:

    http://<NST IP Address>/smokeping


  • Ronald W. Henderson


    Also the rpm package 'rrdtool' contains the graphing tool. If you yum install the 'smokeping' package it may resolve some of the dependencies required for graphing…


  • rrhoads

    rrhoads - 2012-08-27

    Thank you for the help, especially the configuration bit for Apache, but I really want to run the newer version.  To be more specific:  SmokePing runs, data is gathered and saved (RRD is working),  the png files are generated, in the browser the script runs and the page displays but  the PNGs do not.  The web docs are in /var/www/smokeping and the cache directory is accessible by apache and the pngs are owned by apache (permiss. apache:apache)  For the fcgi to run I had to use ScritpAlias and in the brower https://serverIP/smokeping/smokeping.fcgi.  
         Since I have this mostly working, I want to get the graphs up, but can't seem to find what is the missing bit I need.  The web conf part above didn't help in that regard, but it did let a few other minor things come up that I had not seen before.

  • Ronald W. Henderson


    If you do a "yum install smokeping" you will at least see the missing packages needed for the older release that are not include in the  standard NST distribution. From there you may find the missing packages you need…
    You do not have to install the smokeping RPM but only the dependency files you need.


  • rrhoads

    rrhoads - 2012-08-27


    I did as you asked but I wasn't missing anything.  Everything works, except that I can't get the PNG files to display (be served by Apache).  RRD's are made in the right places, images are created in the right places, the base html page is generated and displayed, but the images are not.

    GET 500 (Internal Server Error)

  • rrhoads

    rrhoads - 2012-08-27

    That error was from Chome's look at the element source when it tries to display the page.

  • Paul Blankenbaker

    If I understand it correctly, you saw the following error in Chrome:

    GET 500 (Internal Server Error)

    Here is what I would suggest trying (it sounds like you may have already tried a few of these):

    Did you remember to restart the httpd service after making any changes to the apache configuration files:

    systemctl restart httpd.service

    Did you try looking at the /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log file on the NST system? It might provide additional information as to why the 500 error code was generated.

    Also, could you try requesting just the PNG image using Chrome and another browser to see if there is any difference in the error message reported:

    And finally could you try copying the PNG file from:

    /usr/share/smokeping/cache/__navcache/13460944837399_1346094483_1346083140.png on the NST system to another location and opening it with a PNG viewer to verify that the image looks OK.



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