
the NST web interface

philo neo
  • philo neo

    philo neo - 2018-09-12

    I just installed NST 26, I can not start the NST web interface, here is the link in my local browser:
    Which method can I start apache?


  • Paul Blankenbaker

    The NST web interface (apache web server) should start automatically once you set the NST passwords. This is done by running the "nstpasswd" script at a command prompt (as the root user) or by clicking on the desktop icon (if you have logged into the graphical desktop).

    Once you have set the nstpasswd, you should be able to log into the NST web interface (either locally using or remotely using the IPv4 network address). You will be prompted for credentials. Use "root" as the login ID and the password you set to log in.

    You can use systemctl to manage the apache process. On NST 26, I think this would be the following commands:

    systemctl status nstwui
    systemctl stop nstwui
    systemctl start nstwui

    That's what it is on NST 28. Unfortunately, I've forgotten what version we separated the nstwui service from the httpd service (you might have to substitute httpd for nstwui above).

  • philo neo

    philo neo - 2018-09-14

    with your commands the web interface is well started, but I can not authenticate with the current user and root.
    how can i initialize the password?


  • Paul Blankenbaker

    You should use root as the username and the password that you specified when you ran the nstpasswd command (you set the password for access to the web interface when you last ran this script).

    TLP Web Interface Login Prompt in Chrome

  • philo neo

    philo neo - 2018-09-14

    I forgot the password of the web interface!
    how can I restart this script?

  • Paul Blankenbaker

    The "easy way" is to log in and run the nstpasswd command at the command prompt. You need to run this command as the root user. If you have forgotten the root user password, that is going to be a problem. Hopefully you still remember that one or have an account that will let you sudo or ssh in as the root user.

    For example, if you have a normal user account that is enabled to run sudo:

    sudo -i

    NOTE: Running nstpasswd will reset many system related passwords (including the "root" login password as well as the credentials for accessing the TLP web interface).

  • philo neo

    philo neo - 2018-09-14

    Thanks very mutch !

    post/thread SOLVED


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