
Google Eath six seven not working NST

  • jinverar

    jinverar - 2012-11-18


    I need support getting google earth working. when installing the 32 bit version from command line I get the following errors.

    # rpm -i google-earth-stable_current_i386.rpm
    error: Failed dependencies:
    lsb-core-ia32 is needed by google-earth-stable-
    lsb-graphics-ia32 is needed by google-earth-stable-

    I then went directly to the applications > system tools > add remove software and installed google six with dependencies from the fedora google installer on network security toolkit.

    The issue is when I try and open google earth through network security toolkit nothing happens. Nothing runs or loads. No errors are generated. Everything looks good through the Add/Remove package installer.

    The end state is being able to run KML files with google earth.

    Can someone assist me?

    Thank you

  • Ronald W. Henderson


    To find out what missing packages are needed by google earth one can alway run this 'yum' command:

    yum whatprovides lsb-core-ia32
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, filter-data, keys, langpacks, list-data, presto, refresh-packagekit
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
    * fedora:
    * updates:
    redhat-lsb-4.0-7.fc16.i686 : LSB base libraries support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    Repo        : fedora
    Matched from:
    Provides    : lsb-core-ia32 = 4.0

    redhat-lsb-4.0-7.1.fc16.i686 : LSB base libraries support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    Repo        : updates
    Matched from:
    Provides    : lsb-core-ia32 = 4.0

    redhat-lsb-4.0-7.1.fc16.i686 : LSB base libraries support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    Repo        : @updates
    Matched from:
    Provides    : lsb-core-ia32 = 4.0

    One would them run:
    yum install redhat-lsb-4.0-7.1.fc16.i686

    Do the same for: lsb-graphics-ia32

    Continue for all package dependencies…


  • jinverar

    jinverar - 2012-11-19

    That worked. I knew it was with the yum command. This was my first post and I was looking for support for the network security toolkit. Thank you for the advice. I have another question for another snort topic.



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