
spotify install

philo neo
  • philo neo

    philo neo - 2018-09-14

    I would like to install spotify client on my NST system, here is the link with which I could install spotify client:
    but my output indicates an error on an object!
    here is my output:

    [phipo@localhost ~]$ spotify
    spotify: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [phipo@localhost ~]$ 


  • Paul Blankenbaker

    It looks like you did not get the library properly installed following the Spotify client installation instructions. I would recommend that you double check that the following two steps completed properly:

    dnf install rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
    dnf copr enable red/

    If those steps completed correctly, I would expect a library to be installed. My guess is that the following comand would find the library after it is successfully installed:

    ls -l /usr/lib*/

    If that library doesn't exist you will need to work with the github project that you downloaded the client from (spotify is not something we typically run on a NST system, but since NST uses Fedora as its base it should run on NST if it runs on Fedora).

    Good luck.

  • philo neo

    philo neo - 2018-09-14

    yes it's better but after rebooting my system, I have a new mistake!
    here is my output:

    [phipo@localhost ~]$ spotify
    19:48:58.845 I [breakpad.cpp:110                ] Registered Breakpad for product: spotify
    19:48:58.845 I [translate.cpp:152               ] Reloading language file
    19:48:58.845 E [resource_loader.cpp:194         ] Loading of skin file(msgid.pob) failed
    19:48:58.845 E [translate.cpp:129               ] Spotify resources and binary are out-of-sync. This should never happen.
    19:48:58.853 I [translate.cpp:152               ] Reloading language file
    19:48:58.853 E [resource_loader.cpp:194         ] Loading of skin file(msgid.pob) failed
    19:48:58.853 E [translate.cpp:129               ] Spotify resources and binary are out-of-sync. This should never happen.
    19:48:58.853 I [breakpad.cpp:269                ] Searching for crashdumps: /home/phipo/.cache/spotify/*.dmp
    19:48:58.854 E [resource_loader.cpp:194         ] Loading of skin file(skin.xml) failed
    [phipo@localhost ~]$ 
  • Paul Blankenbaker

    You will need to contact the spotify group to troubleshoot this problem. Your output looks like you either missed some steps in the installation process or the spotify installation instructions are not correct.

  • philo neo

    philo neo - 2018-09-15

    Post/thread SOLVED

    Installing Spotify using Flatpak

    To install Spotify using Flatpak:

    Install Flatpak using dnf:
    # dnf install -y flatpak
    Install Spotify using Flatpak:
    # flatpak install -y --from
    To run Spotify:
    $ flatpak run com.spotify.Client
    (Optional) Add a menu shortcut for Spotify:
    $ echo "
    [Desktop Entry]
        Exec=flatpak run com.spotify.Client
        Type=Application" > ~/.local/share/applications/Spotify.desktop

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