
snort and barnyard2 state

Lin Hu
  • Lin Hu

    Lin Hu - 2018-01-24

    hi to all,
    i have setup a new nst26 system and i have configured snort with barnyard2.
    I can enable this and now, the state is in "activating" ,
    This issue is on snort and barnyard, i have also reloaded but the same with "reloading"
    The system is installed on a 120Gb ssd harddisk with 16GB RAM, 8Core AMD CPU

    (snort: v2.9.9.0-50.nst26) (daq: v2.0.6-7.nst26) (barnyard2: v2.1.14-337.25nst26) (snorby: v2.6.3-113.nst26)


    LANG=en_US.UTF-8 TERM=ansi /bin/stdoutisatty /bin/systemctl --no-pager --full status snort@enp12s0.service barnyard2@enp12s0.service mariadb.service snorby-worker.service snorby.service 2>&1;
    00002: ● snort@enp12s0.service - snort Service for Interface enp12s0
    00003: Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/snort@.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    00004: Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-01-24 18:13:09 CET; 1h 52min ago
    00005: Docs: man:snort(8)
    00007: Process: 1798 ExecStart=/usr/share/snort/systemd/snort_single_execstart enp12s0 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    00008: Main PID: 2203 (snort)
    00009: Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
    00010: CGroup: /system.slice/system-snort.slice/snort@enp12s0.service
    00011: └─2203 /usr/sbin/snort -D -c /etc/snort_enp12s0/snort.conf -l /var/nst/snort/logs_enp12s0
    00013: ● barnyard2@enp12s0.service - barnyard2 Service for Interface: enp12s0
    00014: Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/barnyard2@.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    00015: Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-01-24 18:13:09 CET; 1h 52min ago
    00016: Docs:
    00017: Process: 2136 ExecStart=/usr/share/barnyard2/systemd/barnyard2_single_execstart enp12s0 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    00018: Main PID: 2179 (barnyard2)
    00019: Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
    00020: CGroup: /system.slice/system-barnyard2.slice/barnyard2@enp12s0.service
    00021: └─2179 /usr/bin/barnyard2 -D -i enp12s0 -n -c /etc/snort_enp12s0/barnyard2.conf -d /var/nst/snort/logs_enp12s0 -f snort.u2 -w /var/nst/snort/logs_enp12s0/barnyard2.waldo
    00023: ● mariadb.service - MariaDB 10.1 database server
    00024: Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    00025: Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-01-24 18:13:09 CET; 1h 52min ago
    00026: Process: 2098 ExecStartPost=/usr/libexec/mysql-check-upgrade (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    00027: Process: 1863 ExecStartPre=/usr/libexec/mysql-prepare-db-dir mariadb.service (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    00028: Process: 1792 ExecStartPre=/usr/libexec/mysql-check-socket (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    00029: Main PID: 1915 (mysqld)
    00030: Status: "Taking your SQL requests now..."
    00031: Tasks: 28 (limit: 4915)
    00032: CGroup: /system.slice/mariadb.service
    00033: └─1915 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr
    00035: ● snorby-worker.service - Worker service
    00036: Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/snorby-worker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    00037: Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-01-24 18:13:13 CET; 1h 52min ago
    00038: Docs:
    00039: Process: 2135 ExecStart=/usr/bin/bundle exec script/delayed_job restart RAILS_ENV=production (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    00040: Main PID: 2357 (ruby-mri)
    00041: Tasks: 3 (limit: 4915)
    00042: CGroup: /system.slice/snorby-worker.service
    00043: └─2357 delayed_job
    00045: ● snorby.service - Web application for IDS monitoring service
    00046: Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/snorby.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    00047: Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-01-24 18:13:13 CET; 1h 52min ago
    00048: Docs:
    00049: Main PID: 2361 (ruby-mri)
    00050: Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
    00051: CGroup: /system.slice/snorby.service
    00052: └─2361 /usr/share/snorby/ruby/2.4.0/bin/thin start --ssl --ssl-key-file /etc/nst/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.key --ssl-cert-file /etc/nst/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt -e production -p 9099
    00053: Exit Code: 0
    00054: Start: 2018-01-24 20:06:47.800 End: 20:06:47.857 Dur: 0.057

  • Lin Hu

    Lin Hu - 2018-01-25

    hi again.
    thats my startup log createt with NST:

    Running the following script to setup snort

    ! /bin/bash

    allow some settling time...

    /bin/sleep 1;

    RULES="-r local";
    if [ "no" = "yes" ]; then
    RULES="-r ";


    Save local Snort Admin MySQL Password

    and Set remote Snort IDS Collector Password...

    if [ "" = "checked" ]; then
    if [ -f "${NSTCONF}" ]; then
    # Save original local Snort Admin MySQL Password...
    SAVENSTCTSNORTPASSWD="$(/bin/cat "${NSTCONF}" | /bin/grep '^NSTCTSNORTPASSWD' | /bin/sed -e 's/^NSTCTSNORTPASSWD="(.)"$/\1/';)";
    # Set remote Snort IDS Collector Password...
    /bin/sudo /bin/sed -i -e 's/^NSTCTSNORTPASSWD=.

    Add on any rule update URLs and setup snort options...

    /bin/sudo /bin/setsid /usr/local/bin/setup_snort ${RULES} -i enp12s0 -v -rdir /var/nst --HOME_NET 'any' --EXTERNAL_NET 'any' --sensor_name "WAN" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log 2>&1;

    Set the Snort startup flag for this instance...

    printf "\n\n*** Setting the Snort Startup flag...\n" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;
    if [ "" = "true" ]; then
    /bin/sudo /bin/setsid /usr/local/bin/setup_snort --verbose -startup 'enabled' -i enp12s0 >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log 2>&1;
    /bin/sudo /bin/setsid /usr/local/bin/setup_snort --verbose -startup 'disabled' -i enp12s0 >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log 2>&1;

    Restore local Snort MySQL Password...

    if [ "" = "checked" ]; then
    if [ -f "${NSTCONF}" ]; then

    restore Password...

    /bin/sudo /bin/sed -i -e 's/^NSTCTSNORTPASSWD=.*$/NSTCTSNORTPASSWD="'"${SAVENSTCTSNORTPASSWD//$/\$}"'"/' "${NSTCONF}";

    SNORT_DIR="$(dirname $(awk -- '{ if ( $1 = "config" && $2 == "logdir:" ) print $3; }' < /etc/snort_enp12s0/snort.conf;);)";

    printf "\n\n*** Bringing up interface enp12s0...\n" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;

    if [ ! -d "${SNORT_DIR}" ]; then
    printf "\n\nERROR failed to find snort installation directory\n";
    echo 1 >| "/var/log/wui/snort_setup_complete_enp12s0.log";
    exit 1;

    Assume this Snort/Barnyard2 instance setup is successful...


    if /bin/sudo /sbin/ifconfig enp12s0 up >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log 2>&1; then
    if [ "" = "true" ]; then
    printf "\n\n*** Starting up the Snort/Barnyard2 daemons for interface: enp12s0...\n" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;

    printf "\n/bin/sudo /bin/systemctl restart snort@enp12s0.service barnyard2@enp12s0.service\n" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;
    /bin/sudo /bin/systemctl restart snort@enp12s0.service barnyard2@enp12s0.service >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log 2>&1;
    /bin/sudo /bin/systemctl status snort@enp12s0.service barnyard2@enp12s0.service >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log 2>&1;
    if [ "" != "checked" ]; then
      printf "\n\n*** Make sure a Snorby service is running.\n" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;
      if ! /bin/sudo /bin/systemctl is-active snorby.service &> "/dev/null"; then
        printf "\n/bin/sudo /bin/systemctl start snorby.service\n" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;
        /bin/sudo /bin/systemctl start snorby.service >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log 2>&1;
        printf "\nA Snorby service was already running.\n" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;
    printf "\n" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;

    # Not auto starting: Set "Disabled" state...
    if [ -d "/etc/snort_enp12s0" ]; then
    /bin/sudo /bin/bash -c '/bin/cat >| "/etc/snort_enp12s0/pstate.conf"' <<SETSTATE SNORT_STATE_enp12s0="Disabled" ;="" BARNYARD2_STATE_enp12s0="Disabled" ;="" SETSTATE="" printf="" "\\n***="" Not="" auto-starting="" this="" snort="" instance:="" Setting="" the="" \\"Disabled\\"="" state.\\n"="">> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;
    printf "\nERROR failed to bring up interface enp12s0\n" >> /var/log/wui/snort_setup_enp12s0.log;

    Indicate that this setup script completed

    echo >| "/var/log/wui/snort_setup_complete_enp12s0.log";

    exit ;

    Results of running above script follow

    Using runtime directory: "/var/nst" for Snort and MySQL data files...
    Using local base Snort rules definitions...

    *** Copying base Snort's rule definitions from the NST distribution to: "/var/nst/snort/rules_enp12s0/rules"
    /bin/cp -rp /usr/share/snortrules/rules /var/nst/snort/rules_enp12s0

    *** Copying latest "snort.conf" to: "/var/nst/snort/rules_enp12s0/rules"

    *** Copying global snort threshold file "/etc/snort/threshold.conf" to: "/etc/snort_enp12s0"

    *** Clearing the Snort rule set cache directory: "/var/nst/snort_rs_cache"...

    *** Setting up a separate "Barnyard2" configuration for this instance of Snort: "/etc/snort_enp12s0/barnyard2.conf"

    *** Setup the MySQL Server...
    /usr/local/bin/setup_mysql -rdir /var/nst --dbPort 3306 -v

    *** Start MariaDB database server setup: 2018-01-25 23:53:05...

    *** A MariaDB database server is already running, script: "setup_mysql" is exiting normally...

    *** Setting the MySQL administrative password for "Snorby".

    *** Checking if "snorby" is initially setup.

    *** Stopping any previous running "snorby workers" under systemd.

    Snorby was already setup. Now updating "snorby".
    RUBYOPT=-W0 /usr/bin/bundle exec rake snorby:update RAILS_ENV=production;
    [datamapper] Finished auto_upgrade! for :default repository 'snorby'
    [~] Building aggregated_events database view
    [~] Building events_with_join database view
    Removing old jobs
    Starting the Snorby worker process.
    Adding jobs to the queue

    *** Stopping any running "snorby workers" created during snorby update.

    *** Starting "snorby workers" under systemd.

    *** Check to add the "ids_engine" column to the 'sensor' table for the 'snorby' database.

    *** A "snort" MySQL user exists.

    *** Displaying the "snorby" database status using the "snort" MySQL user.

    /usr/bin/mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.26-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1

    Connection id: 281
    Current database: snorby
    Current user: snort@localhost
    SSL: Not in use
    Current pager: stdout
    Using outfile: ''
    Using delimiter: ;
    Server: MariaDB
    Server version: 10.1.26-MariaDB MariaDB Server
    Protocol version: 10
    Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
    Server characterset: latin1
    Db characterset: utf8
    Client characterset: latin1
    Conn. characterset: latin1
    UNIX socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
    Uptime: 51 min 26 sec

    Threads: 2 Questions: 9129 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 160 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 44 Queries per second avg: 2.958

    *** Snort config files: "/etc/snort_enp12s0"...
    total 440
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 247 Jan 25 23:53 .
    drwxr-xr-x 220 root root 12288 Jan 25 23:53 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12104 Jan 25 23:53 barnyard2.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3521 Jul 22 2005 classification.config
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8971 Jul 22 2005
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1717 Jul 22 2005 generators
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 76 Jan 25 23:53 pstate.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 608 Jul 22 2005 reference.config
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Jul 22 2005 sid
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 297436 Jul 22 2005
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27208 Jan 25 23:53 snort.conf
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 25 23:53 snort_options
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2335 Jul 7 2009 threshold.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53841 Jul 22 2005

    *** Setup Snort complete...


    Snort Version:
    DAQ Version: 2.0.6
    Barnyard2 Version: 2.1.14
    MariaDB (MySQL) Version: 10.1.26
    Snorby Version: 2.6.3
    Snort Runtime Directory: /var/nst/snort
    Snort Configuration File: /etc/snort_enp12s0/snort.conf
    Barnyard2 Configuration File: /etc/snort_enp12s0/barnyard2.conf
    Snort Rules Directory: /var/nst/snort/rules_enp12s0/rules
    Snort Unified2 Logs Directory: /var/nst/snort/logs_enp12s0
    Base Snort Rules Source: local (NST Distribution)
    MariaDB (MySQL) Database Hostname: localhost
    MariaDB (MySQL) Database Port: 3306
    Snort IDS Interface: enp12s0
    Snort IDS Sensor Name: WAN
    Snort Alert Event Logging Mode: full
    Snort Options:

    --- To run this Snort instance on network interface: "enp12s0" ---

    First make sure this instance of "snort" is 'Enabled' to run:

    /usr/local/bin/setup_snort -startup enabled -i "enp12s0";

    Next start both the "snort" and "barnyard2" systemd control

    service units: "snort@enp12s0.service barnyard2@enp12s0.service"

    via systemctl:

    ***Note: All other configured and enabled snort instances will not be effected.

    /bin/systemctl start snort@enp12s0.service barnyard2@enp12s0.service;

    Use snorby to view IDS events via a web browser.

    /bin/systemctl start snorby-worker.service snorby.service;

    *** Setting the Snort Startup flag...
    The Snort Startup flag is currently set to: "Disabled" for network interface: "enp12s0"
    The Barnyard2 Startup flag is currently set to: "Disabled" for network interface: "enp12s0"

    *** Bringing up interface enp12s0...

    *** Not auto-starting this snort instance: Setting the "Disabled" state.


    Last edit: Lin Hu 2018-01-25

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