
#483 missing explanation of SF_SELECTED

2.0 Series

I found a variance in documentation with NSIS 2.16 SilentInstall
Specifies whether or not the installer should be
silent. If it is 'silent' or 'silentlog', all sections
that have the SF_SELECTED flag are installed quietly
(you can set this flag using see SectionSetFlags)...

This part of the doc says that I must set SF_SELECTED
flag to make a section invisible in silent mode of
installer and I mast refer to "
SectionSetFlags" for futher instructions.
Unfortunately, I didn`t find such flag in the section
of the doc.

" SectionSetFlags"
section_index section_flags
Sets the section's flags. The flag is a 32 bit integer.
The first bit (lowest) represents whether the section
is currently selected, the second bit represents
whether the section is a section group (don't modify
this unless you really know what you are doing), the
third bit represents whether the section is a section
group end (again, don't modify), the fourth bit
represents whether the section is shown in bold or not,
the fifth bit represents whether the section is
read-only, the sixth bit represents whether the section
group is to be automatically expanded, the seventh bit
is set for section groups which are partially selected,
the eighth bit is internally used for partially
selected section group toggling and the ninth bit is
used for reflecting section name changes. The error
flag will be set if an out of range section is specified.


  • Amir Szekely

    Amir Szekely - 2006-05-19

    Logged In: YES

    It refers to the first bit. The names are defined in
    Include\Sections.nsh. I've added a partial list, including
    SF_SELECTED to the documentation itself.

  • Amir Szekely

    Amir Szekely - 2006-05-19
    • assigned_to: nobody --> kichik
    • summary: Variance in documentation --> missing explanation of SF_SELECTED
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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