
#1270 Installers not Hi-DPI aware

3.0 Series

Installers created with NSIS 3.x look a bit blurry on hi-DPI screens. Not super-important, but would be good if it can be improved. OTOH I am now worrying that if this is fixed, logos/images in installers might look too small or something and might need explicit scaling.

Other bug reports referred to bluriness of the NSIS app itself. And that seems to be fixed already.


  • Anders

    Anders - 2021-10-30

    Yes, scaling of images is the reason DPI aware support is not on by default (ManifestDPIAware true).

    If you are not using custom pages you can do this:

    ManifestDPIAware System ; System DPI on Vista/7/8/8.1/10(<10.1607(AU))
    ManifestDPIAwareness "PerMonitorV2,System" ; PMv2 on 10.1703(CU)+, System on 10.1607(AU) with NSIS 3.03+

    The last time I looked at this, how v2 actually works in terms of automatic resizing dialogs was not actually documented. I suspect it is related to the dialog template instead of the actual windows but I don't know for sure. The last instruction is currently undocumented and just sets the input string directly in the manifest.

    See also:


    Last edit: Anders 2021-10-30
    • Roeland Schoukens

      Yeah even if you enable DPI awareness, the bitmaps will always look terrible because NSIS uses nearest neighbour scaling to rescale images.

      You would need to either ship different bitmaps for different DPI ratios, or the scaling would have to change to just anything else than nearest neighbour.


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