
#1184 Unicode installers crash when executed on WinME

3.0 Series
crash (3)

Unicode installers crash when executed on WinME!

Ideally we should detect this and abort before the crash but things are not that simple. I initially thought we could just display a messagebox after detecting it early in WinMain:

if (sizeof(void*) < 8 && sizeof(TCHAR) > 1 && (INT32) g_WinVer < 0) goto die_UnicodeOnWin9x;

with a jump to my_MessageBox but this does not work 100% because my_MessageBox calls MessageBoxIndirectW and that is a nop. It does exit silently without a crash at least. I suspect that only the plain MessageBoxW function is actually implemented.

Another alternative is to link directly to something that is not exported on WinME:

#if defined(UNICODE) && !defined(_WIN64)
  if (!g_WinVer) ((castawayparams)(GetConsoleAlias))(); // Link directly to a function not exported on WinME to prevent crash!

The problem with this is that GetConsoleAliasA/W might not exist in kernel32.lib in old SDKs/MinGW?

The crash is not a big deal, these old systems do not have fancy error reporting, it is just a plain error dialog that goes away after one click on a button...

If you don't need WinNT4 support you can add "PESubsysVer 5.0" to your script as a workaround.


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