
#1154 !echo command does not work in 3.0

3.0 Alpha Series

Create a simple script, e.g.

Name "Bayden SlickRun"
ManifestDPIAware true
!include x64.nsh
!include WinVer.nsh
!echo "EH?"

Compile the script and observe that the ECHO never outputs.

C:\src\GitHub\slickrun\Installer>c:\src\nsis\makensis.exe SlickRun4.nsi
Processing config: c:\src\nsis\nsisconf.nsh
Processing script file: "SlickRun4.nsi" (ACP)

Processed 1 file, writing output (x86-ansi):

Output: "C:\src\GitHub\slickrun\Installer\sr-setup.exe"
Install: 3 pages (192 bytes), 1 section (2072 bytes), 210 instructions (5880 bytes), 168 str
Uninstall: 2 pages (192 bytes), 1 section (2072 bytes), 23 instructions (644 bytes), 84 stri

Using lzma (compress whole) compression.

EXE header size:               38912 / 35840 bytes
Install code:                          (11838 bytes)
Install data:                          (2760648 bytes)
Uninstall code+data:                   (4778 bytes)
Compressed data:              864667 / 2777264 bytes
CRC (0x1BC8BFD0):                  4 / 4 bytes

Total size:                   903583 / 2813108 bytes (32.1%)


  • Eric Lawrence

    Eric Lawrence - 2016-08-08

    Looking at this further, it appears that the !echo messages only appear at /v4, which means they're buried in the full text of the script, leading to the very awkward workaround of doing

      !verbose push
      !verbose 4
      !echo "Building x64"
      !verbose pop
    • Anders

      Anders - 2016-08-10

      I'm pretty sure that only the compilers initial verbosity level changed in v3 and all instructions should be the same. I don't have access to a computer right now so I can't really check...

  • Anders

    Anders - 2016-11-18
    • status: open --> closed-invalid

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