
POM / News: Recent posts

Hello subversion!

Switched versioning to subversion!!!


Posted by Normen Müller 2006-02-25

v2.0b has been 'relased'

POM -- v2.0b

* Thanks to Francesco Tinti
he fixed some merging bugs!!
* Using iText JAR file again
* bookmark functionality works now correctly

Posted by Normen Müller 2006-02-25

v2.0 is under development!

POM -- v2.0

Start to implement a complete new GUI with
new features: TaskManager, In-build Console,
Customize bookmarks, Exception handling
improvements, Batch mode, ...

See Screenshots...

Posted by Normen Müller 2005-08-21

v1.9 has been relased

Selecting range of pages works now, but the exception handling is poor!

Valid values are:
<page> := <page> {;<digit> | <range>} | <digit> | <range>
<range> := <digit> - <digit>
<digit> := 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Posted by Normen Müller 2005-08-21

v1.8 has been relased

* Bug in iText 1.3.2 fixed!
* No external iText version in this release, but a build in one :-(
* Bookmarks work now!

Posted by Normen Müller 2005-08-21

v1.7 has been relased

Only some minor changes.
Bookmarks and range of pages are still under development...

Posted by Normen Müller 2005-08-02