
#9 A Bit of Clarification Please


Hi Roland,

Thank you bunches for creating OS-X versions of the Nordic tools. I am new and often swimming in an overload of not always clear info - please forgive if I am being a dunce.

I have a nRF51 dongle. I used rknrfgo to install a softdevice. I am using Rowley's Crossworks to download an application. Now I am going to use rknrfgo to install ble-sniffer_nRF51822_1.0.1_1111_Sniffer.hex. What I do not understand is: Does ble-sniffer_nRF51822_1.0.1_1111_Sniffer take the place of the application?
1) Yes. The nRF51 dongle is now dedicated to sniffing and I will need other hardware for testing my apps.
2) No. The sniffer software installed on the dongle is an "under the covers driver" of some sort. I can continue to download my application to the dongle and I can sniff it. Will I be able to sniff other devices as well?

Best Regards,


  • Roland King

    Roland King - 2015-08-22

    If you've not seen the Nordic dev lists, that's probably a better place for general questions, and you get a faster answer! But yes the sniffer program is a complete standalone app which runs on the device and that's all that runs on the device so when it's on there, your device is a dedicated sniffer.

  • Roland King

    Roland King - 2015-08-22
    • status: open --> closed