Roland King - 2016-08-15

I've edited the tickets permissions for the 2,567th time, I don't see why people can't update their own tickets, they should be able to. I agree it's very annoying.

I've seen that crash before, in fact I submitted a bug report for it a year or more ago but it looks like it's not yet fixed. The problem is in NSUserDefaults which is where all the defaults are kept, it manages to create objects which seem sometimes not to copy properly and then crash when you release the array holding them. There's a load of code in there to try to work around it but clearly sometimes it still fails.

In this case it's the list of known boards which has occasional issues unserializing itself properly. The easiest thing to try is probably to remove that default.

defaults read com.dotteddogsoft.ble-sniffer-osx 

should list what you have now

defaults rename com.dotteddogsoft.ble-sniffer-osx "Known Boards" "Old Known Boards"

should rename the old list, or use

defaults delete com.dotteddogsoft.ble-sniffer-osx "Known Boards"


defaults delete com.dotteddogsoft.ble-sniffer-osx 

to remove the Known Boards preference or all preferences. Do it whist the sniffer isn't open of course. You don't lose much by blowing them away, just the window size and your last download directory plus a mapping of boards to a number so that dumps from different sessions on the same board maintain the same board number, which is entirely unimportant anyway.