
Tree [feaf6b] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 NppSalt 2014-05-19 Peter Gu Peter Gu [feaf6b] Changed IsChanged to return true if errors are ...
 .gitignore 2013-12-15 Peter Gu Peter Gu [a74ca3] Added 2013-12-15 Peter Gu Peter Gu [8553ba] Update 2013-12-18 Peter Gu Peter Gu [0cc8ff] Update

Read Me

NppSalt - A simple Notepad++ Plug-in.

Currently it provides the following functions:

1) It flashes the Notepad++ screen when it detects any open files have been changed by other people;

2) It prevents concurrent Notepad++ sessions from overwriting each other's changes.

To compile the plug-in, simply open NppSalt.sln using Visual Studio 2010 (or a later version) and build.
To deploy the plug-in, simply copy NppSalt.dll to Notepad++'s Plugins folder.

Peter Gu