
Simple npplauncher without any fancy stuff?

  • Coconut

    Coconut - 2022-02-10

    I mainly work on command line and deal with console apps. Often though, I
    need to open a file to do a quick edit using Notepad++. npplauncher was
    extremely useful as a launching utility from command line.

    However, the new version of npplauncher has too many things. It creates a
    backup file, notification, etc. These features create major annoyances as
    I would have to spend time to deal with notification, and removing backup
    files. For my git version controlled files, these backups creates
    major headaches as I sometimes accidentally add them to git.

    Is there a way to have another version of npplauncher build with the old.
    super simple version back? No backup, no notification, and exit as soon as
    Notepad++ is opened to edit the file?


  • Coconut

    Coconut - 2022-02-14

    The backup was created by Notepad++. Still, the other notifications are quite annoying. Anyways to disable those? Thanks.



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