Activity for NppGTags

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.3/

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.3/v4.4.3.tar.gz

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.3/

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.2/Release

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.2/Release v4.4.2.tar.gz

  • abdulbadii abdulbadii posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    What's a miserable update of npp v7.6 without notice : now all its plugin each mandates to have its dll under a folder ot its name. So not only this, I just lost jN, JSMin and many others plugin that used to work with no need additional plugin 'root folder', but in latest npp are screwed up. sigh.. after more 3 hours debugging now fixed all my plugins including this

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I cannot help you unless you provide more info, sorry. I am not a fortuneteller. What exactly are you doing, step-by-step?

  • abdulbadii abdulbadii posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    " After Notepad++ restart everything should be fine." Cannot even start it over as immediate interruption was disrupting, urging to delete it

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It should be working. Go to Notepad++ plugins menu and then start Plugin Admin (it is the last entry in the menu). Select there NppGTags plugin and install it. After Notepad++ restart everything should be fine. Is it not the case on your side? If so, please provide more details. Notepad++ is currently undergoing a major change in its plugin handling and this might lead to such problems with any plugin.

  • abdulbadii abdulbadii posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Why is this not working in Notepad++ latest 64 bit?

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.1/v4.4.1.tar.gz

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.1/

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.1/

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified ticket #5

    global.exe is flagged as malicious by Symantec

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #5

    Try downloading the file from . Symantec (as well as other antivirus programs) sometimes reports security risks based on guesses (heuristics) or based on how new the file is or how many people use it to determine if it is trustworthy. Here is the online scanner result: , you can run it on your own if you like. Here is also the online...

  • Chetan Anand Chetan Anand created ticket #5

    global.exe is flagged as malicious by Symantec

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Pan, Yes, there is a big difference. Find Definition takes you to where function/class/global variable is defined. Find Reference shows you all the places where the function/global variable is used. But you know that already, that's why you are confused :) You are wondering because on occasions the GTags parser cannot determine if something is definition or reference and it just marks that as a symbol (unknown existing tag). And when you do search for it later (as reference or definition) it is...

  • Pan San Pan San posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Greetings, Is there any difference between Find Reference and Definition? When I use these to command, Gtag always shows all the symbols which I want. (The plugin did a great job.) I'm wondering, is there any differences between Find Reference and Definition?

  • Yuki Yuki posted a comment on ticket #4

    Thank you very much! it's very nice.

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified ticket #4

    Horizontal scroll in search in result box

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified ticket #3

    Add menus for several feature

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified ticket #3

    Add menus for several feature

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #3

    Link to the help file added to the plugin About dialog. Closing this ticket.

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified ticket #4

    Horizontal scroll in search in result box

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #4

    Hi @Yuki, The horizontally scrollable results search dialog is implemented in these binaries (and will be present in the next official plugin release): x86: x64: The dialog is not user resizeable, sorry (it is moveable though). I've tested the x86 binary on Linux (under Wine) please write back if something...

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #4

    You are right, I'll fix that soon, thanks. BR

  • Yuki Yuki created ticket #4

    Horizontal scroll in search in result box

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Paul, That's a sound reason to have the database files in different folder. In your case that might really help. I'll consider implementing it but it will certainly take time as I'm quite busy these days. BR

  • Paul Parsons Paul Parsons posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'd like to add my appreciation for this tool which is incredibly useful. I've used it for a while now and can't imagine how I coped without it. May I add my vote to the request to be able to specify separately the following? 1. The path of the database. 2. The path of the source files. The reason for this is that my source files are on a server in another location. When I'm using it remotely, it takes quite a while to update or create the database, which is done every time I save a source file....

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Javi, I understand you now, thanks for the explanation. Well, NppGTags has 'Go to Definition' command that does just that. It only places the results below the document (not in a pop-up window next to the cursor but in Notepad++ docking window). That makes it possible to colorize the results, search them, copy them, etc. and makes them more easy to navigate in case of many matches. BR

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Javi, I understand you now, thanks for the explanation. Well, NppGTags has 'Go to Definition' command that does just that. It only places the results below the document (not in a pop-up window next to the cursor). That makes it possible to colorize the results, search them, copy them, etc. and makes them more easy to navigate in case of many matches. BR

  • Javier Javier modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Thank you for your response and sorry for my bad explanation. I will try to explain it better with an example: Scenario Folder/File1.c: void function() {printf("Hello world 1!")} File2.c: void function() {printf("Hello world 2!")} Example.c: void function() { printf("Hello world example!"); } int main() { function(); } Then, if you press the key "CTRL" and click over the calling to "function()" then the result would be: The number between brackets is the line number I hope this time I explained...

  • Javier Javier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Thank you for your response and sorry for my bad explanation. I will try to explain it better with an example: Scenario Folder/File1.c: void function() {printf("Hello world 1!")} File2.c: void function() {printf("Hello world 2!")} Example.c: void function() { printf("Hello world example!"); } int main() { function(); } Then, if you press the key "CTRL" and click over the calling to "function()" then the result would be: The number between brackets is the line I hope this time I explained it better....

  • Martin Martin posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Pavel, Thanks for your feedback; it now all makes sense. Also thank you for the such a fantastic plug-in; I wish I'd found this years ago!! Martin

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Martin, You don't have to manually create your database using command window and running gtags from there. In fact, that might bring problems when using the plugin later (the plugin calls gtags this way: gtags.exe -c --skip-unreadable). You also don't have to modify your environment variables at all. Instead, open a file from your project and then from the plugin's menu select Create Database command. Then point to the root of your project and the database will be created there. If you want...

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I do not understand you well, sorry. Could you describe in more details (example would also help) what functionality you would like to have? Thanks for the feedback. BR

  • Martin Martin posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ah I think I've found the problem. I was trying to place the DB files in a sub folder from the root of my sources, but either GTags or NppGTags was understandably treating this as the root point and then either couldn't access the source files, or couldn't find any files to add to the database if I re-created it. So whilst it's not essential I would prefer to keep the GTags files in a sub-folder from the root of my sources. Is it possible to separately specify the DB path as distinct from the source...

  • Martin Martin posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I've recently downloaded and installed NppGTags on my Windows 7 machine and have a couple of issues, which I'm sure are "operator error" though at the moment I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. So any help will be much appreciated :) I've installed NppGTags (v4.4.0) and added plugins\NppGTags to the path; this gives me access to global.exe, gtags.exe and ctags.exe. I'm primarily interested in support for VHDL & Verilog so have added the following environment variables: GTAGSCONF=C:/Program Files...

  • Javier Javier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I love NppGTags but there is a functionality that I miss: "Go to definition" when clicking in a function like SourceCookifier does: It would be great to have it in NppGTags, Thank you and regards! Javi

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are welcome, I'm glad you like it.

  • MaxiCombina MaxiCombina posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Pavel, I have just upgrade NPPGTags and it works great. Thank you!!

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified a comment on ticket #3

    Hello Yuki, It may be helpful if URL to the document is written on top of NppGTAGS web page and about dialog. That is a good suggestion, thanks. I won't be adding new plugin menu commands about those features then - I'll simply add link to the user guide doc. Thanks. BR

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #3

    Hello Yuki, It may be helpful if URL to the document is written on top of NppGTAGS web page and about dialog. That is a good suggestion, thanks. I won't be adding new plugin menu commands about those features then - I'll simply add link to the user guide doc. Thanks. BR

  • Yuki Yuki posted a comment on ticket #3

    The functionality you mention is described in the help file. Thank you for your advice, I found the descriptions. It may be helpful if URL to the document is written on top of NppGTAGS web page and about dialog. If I understand you correctly you are proposing to add another NppGTags menu command for the above functions is that correct? I think it's helpful to find NppGTAGS features described in documents if menus are added.

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #3

    Hello Yuki, The functionality you mention is described in the help file. If I understand you correctly you are proposing to add another NppGTags menu command for the above functions is that correct? Thanks. BR

  • Yuki Yuki created ticket #3

    Add menus for several feature

  • Yuki Yuki posted a comment on ticket #2

    I have tried new version, The problem is fixed. Thank you very much! By the way, I have one more small request, let me add another ticket.

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello @MaxiCombina, The results filter database setting is implemented in the new v4.4.0 release of the plugin. You can get it from or from BR

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified ticket #2

    Height of some text boxes are too narrow

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #2

    Hello @Yuki, The refreshing problem is fixed in the new v4.4.0 release of the plugin. You can get it from or from Write back if you still experience some problems. BR

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.0/

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.0/

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.4.0/ReleaseNotes.txt

  • Yuki Yuki posted a comment on ticket #2

    Appearance of new binary is better than previous one. (Refreshing problem of multi line input box is same)

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #2

    I'll analyse the refreshing problem, thanks for reporting.

  • Yuki Yuki posted a comment on ticket #2

    Thank you, I check new binary and report later.

  • Yuki Yuki modified a comment on ticket #2

    Thank you for your update. - Problem of single line input box has been resolved(screen1 - screen2) - Multi line input box still has refreshing problem(screen3 - screen6) When I enter return key after input 3 line texts in a input box, the input box white out , and the texts appear after the area is hidden behind another window once, then activated again.

  • Yuki Yuki posted a comment on ticket #2

    Thank you for your update. Problem of single line input box has been resolved, but multi line input box still has refreshing problem. When I enter return key after input 3 line texts in a input box, the input box white out , and the texts appear after the area is hidden behind another window, then activated again.

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #2

    Even better - try this binary that has also the buttons font fixed: x86: x64: BR

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #2

    Hello Yuki, Could you please try again with this binary: x86: x64: Thanks.

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #2

    I'll have a look, thank you.

  • Yuki Yuki modified a comment on ticket #2

    Thank you for the update. I've tried new version, but the problem is not resolved yet. Could you please take a look attached screen shot?

  • Yuki Yuki posted a comment on ticket #2

    I've tried new version, but the problem is not resolved yet. Could you please take a look attached screen shot?

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified a comment on ticket #2

    Hi @Yuki, Could you please check the following binary and tell me if the issue is still there? x86 - x64 - With the new binary I do not see the problem you are facing but let me know if it is OK on your side too. Thanks. BR

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #2

    Hi @Yuki, Could you please check the following binary and tell me if the issue is still there? x86 - x64 - With the new binary I do not see the problem you are facing but let me know if it is OK on your side too. Thanks. BR

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #1

    Hi, You are right about 1 - it will be fixed in the upcoming version, thanks for the suggestion. I'll investigate 2 and write back in the new ticket you've opened. BR

  • Yuki Yuki posted a comment on ticket #2

    I'm using NppGTAGS on window 7 English version changing the code page to cp932

  • Yuki Yuki modified a comment on ticket #1

    I tried new version, it's very nice, thank you very much. But I found several things to report. It may be more useful if Next/Previous button is added instead of the combination of Find button and radio buttons of Up/Down I found a problem about appearance. Height of some text box are too narrow. I report new ticket about this problem.

  • Yuki Yuki created ticket #2

    Height of some text boxes are too narrow

  • Yuki Yuki posted a comment on ticket #1

    I tried new version, it's very nice, thnak you very much. But I found several things to report. It may be more usefull if Next/Previous button is added instead of radio button of Up/Down I found a problem about apperance. hight of some text box are too narrow. I report new ticket about this problem.

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified ticket #1

    Search or filter key words on tag search result window

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on ticket #1

    Hello @Yuki, I have implemented the Result window search functionality and it will be in the next NppGTags release. Meanwhile you can get the changed binaries from here: x86 platform: x64 platform: Download the dll for your platform, rename the file to NppGTags.dll and copy it over your current plugin dll...

  • Yuki Yuki created ticket #1

    Search or filter key words on tag search result window

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    OK then, I'll implement such per-database search filter when I have more free ti...

  • MaxiCombina MaxiCombina posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That would be great. As a workaround, I have edited the "ignore" section in %notepad++installationpath%/plugins/NpggGTags/gtags.conf....

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Unfortunately it is not currently possible (from parser perspective). I have...

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Unfortunately it is not currently possible (from parser perspective). I have...

  • MaxiCombina MaxiCombina posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Same error here. I have installed latest version (4.3.1) and it works! Thanks :)

  • MaxiCombina MaxiCombina posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Is there a way to exclude some directories from being scanned? I would love...

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.3.1/ReleaseNotes.txt

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.3.1/

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.3.1/

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Yes, your stack traces were helpful to narrow the possible cause. It was a...

  • Zakhar Malinovskiy Zakhar Malinovskiy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I 've tested the

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the extensive debug info. As I'm unable to reproduce the crash, could...

  • Zakhar Malinovskiy Zakhar Malinovskiy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    And it turned out the the stack trace in this 'procdumps' dump file is more informative....

  • Zakhar Malinovskiy Zakhar Malinovskiy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    aha!, I have a guess. I have just used a SysInternals procdump.exe to catch 1-st...

  • Zakhar Malinovskiy Zakhar Malinovskiy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, this crash is stable. Here are WinDbg messages: **** Symbol Path validation...

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I'll look into it shortly. Meanwhile, could you try and tell me if this issue...

  • Zakhar Malinovskiy Zakhar Malinovskiy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    here is a notepad dump file

  • Zakhar Malinovskiy Zakhar Malinovskiy posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hellow. I was unable to create library database from nppgtags settings dialog. Notepad...

  • MaxiCombina MaxiCombina modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, and thanks for the answer. UPDATE: including Pyhton in %PATH%, it works. Thanks!...

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Well yes, Python not being in the %PATH% is a problem. Please add it in the %PATH%...

  • MaxiCombina MaxiCombina posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, and thanks for the answer. I have installed Pyhton 2.7.13 (Windows 10). I have...

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.3.0/

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.3.0/ReleaseNotes.txt

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.3.0/

  • Pavel Nedev Pavel Nedev posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, If you have installed Pygments Python package then everything should be working....

  • MaxiCombina MaxiCombina posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I use NppGtags and I love it, thanks! I have latest version (4.2.1) but when...

  • NppGTags NppGTags released /v4.2.1/

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