


Notepad++ plugin. NppCalc - plugin for evaluates the expressions in the Notepad++

NppCalc used to work with math, trigonometry, statistics, combinatorics, arrays, sets, bits, strings, dates, color, image, measurement, file and folder, RS-232, TCP/IP, encoding, encryption, hashing, compression, etc, Over 400 functions.

Q: How does this work?
A: Just type function name and press Enter!

Screenshot thumbnail
Screenshot thumbnail
Screenshot thumbnail
Screenshot thumbnail
Screenshot thumbnail
Screenshot thumbnail

Project Members:

ENTER - calculate

    +   addition
    -   subtraction
    *   multiplication
    /   division
    ^   power
    +>  concatenation

    :=  assignment
    +=  addition assignment
    -=  subtraction assignment
    *=  multiplication assignment
    /=  division assignment

    =   equal to
    >   greater than
    >=  greater than or equal to
    <   less than
    <=  less than or equal to
    <>  not equal to

Separator of the integer and the fractional part of the numbers
    . ( dot )
Separator function
    ; ( semicolon )
Separator function parameters
    , ( comma )
String data enclosed in single quotes
    a := 'abcde'

Create array
    a := ( 1, 2, 3 )
Access to array element
Set value to array element
    a[0] := 5

Object in the set
    '1' IN ( '1', '2', '3' )
String is an array of characters
    a := 'abcde'
Break a string into an array by delimiter
    a := Split( '1;2;3;4', ';' )
Join array elements with a glue string
    Join( ( 1, 2, 3, 'a' ), CRLF )
    Join( ( 1, 2, 3, 'a' ), CRLF, True )
Sorting array in ascending
    Sort( ( 4, 2, 1, 3 ) )
Sorting array in descending
    RSort( ( 4, 2, 1, 3 ) )
Create an array containing a range of elements
    Range( start, end, step )
    Range( 0, 10, 2 )
Index of the first found element in the array
    IndexOf( 3, ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Count elements of the array
    CountOf( 3, ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 3 ) )

Cast to integer
    Int( '10.9' )
Cast to float
    Float( '10.9' )
Cast to string
    Str( 10 )
Cast to boolean
    Bool( 10.9 )
Cast to null value
    Empty( 10.9 )

Add text to the output buffer
    Echo( 2 )

Select by condition
    IF ( condition, a, b )
    IF ( 1 > 2, echo( true ), echo( false ) )

    IF ( condition, a, b, condition, a, b )
    IF ( 1 > 2, echo( true ), echo( false ), 2 > 1, echo( true ), echo( false ) )

Loop repeats instruction as long as the condition is met
    For( i := 0, i < 10, Inc( i ), Echo( i ) )
    i := 0; While( i < 10, Inc( i ); Echo( i ) )
    i := 0; Repeat( Inc( i ); Echo( i ), i = 10 )
    array := ( 1, 2, 3 ); Foreach( elem, array, Echo( elem ) )

Ends execution of the current loop
Skip the rest of the current loop iteration

Evaluates npp code from string
    Eval( 'MsgBox( 2^8, ''test'' )' )
Evaluates npp code from file ( shared variables )
    EvalFromFile( filename )

Empty value
Number pi
Base of the natural logarithm
Catalans constant
Euler constant
Golden ratio
Speed of light ( m/s )
Speed of sound ( m/s )
Gravitational acceleration ( m/s )
Carriage return
Line feed
Carriage return and Line feed

Hexadecimal number
Octal number
Binary number

Increments the value by the relevant value
    Inc( 5, [1] )
    Sqr( 20 )
Square root
    Sqrt( 9 )
Nth root
    SqrN( 27, 3 )
Integer division
    100 div 3
    100 mod 3
    Per( 200, 10 )
Absolute value
    Abs( -20 )
Returns e raised to the specified power
    Exp( 2 )
Natural logarithm
    Ln( 10 )
Decimal logarithm
    Lg( 10 )
Binary logarithm
    Log2( 2 )
Logarithm of the specified base
    LogN( 5 [base] , 1 )
Factorial of a number
    Factorial( 5 )
Fibonacci numbers
    Fibonacci( 10 )
Number of figures in number
    Digits( 123456 )
A number is even
    Even( 4 )
A number is odd
    Odd( 4 )
Number is prime
    IsPrime( 7 )
Next prime number
    NextPrime( 7 )
Prev prime number
    PrevPrime( 11 )
Random prime number
    RandomPrime( 1000 )
Least common multiple
    LCM( 27, 18 )
Greatest common divisor
    GCD( 27, 18 )
Uniform polynomial of one variable
    Poly( 5, ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Average array values
    Avg( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Sum of values in an array
    Sum( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Sum of squares in an array
    SumOfSquares( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Greatest value in an array
    Max( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Smallest value in an array
    Min( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Standard deviation
    StdDev( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Population standard deviation
    PopnStdDev( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
    Variance( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Population variance
    PopnVariance( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
Total variance
    TotalVariance( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )
The Euclidean L2-norm
    Norm( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )

    Sin( 1 )
    ArcSin( 1 )
Hyperbolic sine
    SinH( 1 )
Hyperbolic arcsine
    ArcSinH( 1 )

    Cos( 1 )
    ArcCos( 1 )
Hyperbolic cosine
    CosH( 1 )
Hyperbolic arccosine
    ArcCosH( 1 )

    Tan( 1 )
    ArcTan( 1 )
Arctangent ( Y/X )
    ArcTan2( y, x )
Hyperbolic tangent
    TanH( 1 )
Hyperbolic arctangent
    ArcTanH( 0 )

    Cot( 1 )
    ArcCot( 1 )
Hyperbolic cotangent
    CotH( 1 )
Hyperbolic arccotangent
    ArcCotH( 10 )

    Sec( 1 )
    ArcSec( 1 )
Hyperbolic secant
    SecH( 1 )
Hyperbolic arcsecant
    ArcSecH( 1 )

    Csc( 1 )
    ArcCsc( 1 )
Hyperbolic cosecant
    CscH( 1 )
Hyperbolic arccosecant
    ArcCscH( 1 )

Calculates the length of the hypotenuse
    Hypot( 3, 4 )

Converts radians to degrees
    RadToDeg( 1 )
Converts radians to grads
    RadToGrad( 1 )
Converts radians to cycles
    RadToCycle( 1 )
Converts degrees to radians
    DegToRad( 1 )
Converts degrees to grads
    DegToGrad( 1 )
Converts degrees to cycles
    DegToCycle( 1 )
Converts grads to radians
    GradToRad( 1 )
Converts grads to degrees
    GradToDeg( 1 )
Converts grads to cycles
    GradToCycle( 1 )
Converts cycles to radians
    CycleToRad( 1 )
Converts cycles to degrees
    CycleToDeg( 1 )
Converts cycles to grads
    CycleToGrad( 1 )

* For trigonometric functions argument in radians

Character code
    Ord( 'A' )
    Chr( 65 )
Length string/array
    Len( 'ABC' )
Index of the first occurrence of a substring within a string
    Pos( 'bc', 'abcde' )
Index of the first occurrence of a substring within a string, beginning the search at offset
    PosEx( 'bc', 'abcdebc', 3 )
Getting a substring between two string
    StrPart( 'ab', 'bc', 'abcdebc' )
    CompareStr( 'ABC', 'abc' )
    CompareText( 'ABC', 'abc' )
Change case
    UpperCase( 'Abc' )
    LowerCase( 'Abc' )
Remove spaces
    Trim( ' ABC ' )
    TrimLeft( ' ABC' )
    TrimRight( 'ABC ' )
Replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string
    StrReplace( 'abcabc', 'b', 'B' )
Return part of a string
    SubStr( 'ABCD', 2, 2 )
Reversed string
    StrRev( 'abcd' )
Pad a string from right
    RightPad( 'abcd', 6, '-' )
Pad a string from left
    LeftPad( 'abcd', 6, '-' )
    Alphabet( ' ', ['ru'] )
Wraps a string to a given number of characters using a string break character
    WordWrap( 'string string', 6 )
Convert from html to plain text
    HtmlToPlain( htmldata )
Soundex key of a string
    Soundex( 'abcd' )
Levenshtein distance between two strings
    Levenshtein( 'abcd', 'abdc' )
Insert a substring between characters strings
    Sparse( 'abcdef', '-', 3 )
Shuffle string characters
    Shuffle( 'abcdef' )
Calculate the entropy of the string
    Entropy( 'abcdef', [detail = true] )

A unique 128-bit identifier

Truncates a real number to an integer
    Trunc( 10.9 )
Fractional part
    Frac( 10.9 )
Rounded to the integer number
    Round( 10.6 )
Rounded value to a specified power of ten
    RoundTo( 10.653, -1 )
Rounds variables up toward positive infinity
    Ceil( 10.5 )
Rounds variables toward negative infinity
    Floor( 10.5 )
Hexadecimal number
    Hex( 1000 )
Octal number
    Oct( 100 )
Binary number
    Bin( 20 )
Roman numeral
    Roman( 15 )
    RomanToDec( 'XVIII' )
    FormatFloat( '0.00', 1.2345 )
    Bytes( 102434435 )
Convert to any number system ( from 2 to 36 )
    DecToBase( 200, 16 )
    BaseToDec( 'C8', 16 )

Current date
    Date( ['d', 'M', 'y'] )
    Date( 'd' )

Current time
    Time( ['h', 'm', 's'] )
    Time( 's' )

Current date and time
    Now( ['d', 'M', 'y', 'h', 'm', 's'] )
    Now( 'y' )

Retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started

Date shifted by a specified number
    IncSecond( date(), 30 )
    IncMinute( date(), 30 )
    IncHour( date(), 12 )
    IncDay( date(), 7 )
    IncWeek( date(), 1 )
    IncMonth( date(), 12 )
    IncYear( date(), 10 )

*Second parameter defaults to 1
**If the parameter is negative then there is a decrease

Part of the value of a date
    SecondOf( now() )
    MinuteOf( now() )
    HourOf( now() )
    DayOf( now() )
    WeekOf( now() )
    MonthOf( now() )
    YearOf( now() )

Difference between dates
    SecondsBetween( date(), date() + 1 )
    MinutesBetween( date(), date() + 1 )
    HoursBetween( date(), date() + 1 )
    DaysBetween( date(), date() + 1 )
    WeeksBetween( date(), date() + 7 )
    MonthsBetween( date(), date() + 31 )
    YearsBetween( date(), date() + 366 )
    DateBetween( date(), date() + 1.11, ['ru'] )

Weeks in year
    WeeksInYear( now() )
Days in year
    DaysInYear( now() )
Days in month
    DaysInMonth( now() )

Index number for the date/time
    MonthOfTheYear( now() )
    WeekOfTheYear( now() )
    DayOfTheYear( now() )
    HourOfTheYear( now() )
    MinuteOfTheYear( now() )
    SecondOfTheYear( now() )
    MilliSecondOfTheYear( now() )

    WeekOfTheMonth( now() )
    DayOfTheMonth( now() )
    HourOfTheMonth( now() )
    MinuteOfTheMonth( now() )
    SecondOfTheMonth( now() )
    MilliSecondOfTheMonth( now() )

    DayOfTheWeek( now() )
    HourOfTheWeek( now() )
    MinuteOfTheWeek( now() )
    SecondOfTheWeek( now() )
    MilliSecondOfTheWeek( now() )

    HourOfTheDay( now() )
    MinuteOfTheDay( now() )
    SecondOfTheDay( now() )
    MilliSecondOfTheDay( now() )

    MinuteOfTheHour( now() )
    SecondOfTheHour( now() )
    MilliSecondOfTheHour( now() )

    SecondOfTheMinute( now() )
    MilliSecondOfTheMinute( now() )

    MilliSecondOfTheSecond( now() )

Compare date
    SameDateTime( date(), time() )
    SameDate( date(), date() )
    SameTime( now(), time() )

Is leap year
    IsLeapYear( 2012 )

Age of the person by date
    Age( '01.01.1965', [now()] )

    Horoscope( '01.01.1965', ['ru'] )

Formatting dates
    UnixTime( Now() )
    TimeUnix( '@1111111111' )

    FormatDateTime( 'dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss', now() )

The distance between the geographic coordinates in meters
    VincentyDistance( latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2 )
    VincentyDistance( 55.7537, 37.6199, 40.7145, -74.0071 )

Euclidean distance
    EuclideanDistance( (100, 100), (200, 200) )

Check bits
    isBitSet( 500, 3 )
Enable bit
    BitOn( 500, 3 )
Disable bit
    BitOff( 508, 3 )
Invert bit
    BitToggle( 500, 3 )
Bitwise "AND"
    10 and 50
Bitwise "OR"
    10 or 50
Bitwise "XOR"
    10 xor 50
Bitwise shift left
    10 shl 1
Bitwise shift right
    10 shr 1
    not True

Random number generator
    Rnd( 100 )
Random string generator
    RndP( 12, ['char map'] )
Random numbers with Gaussian distribution about the mean
    RandG( mean, stddev )
Random number from a given range
    RandomRange( 10, 100 )
Random picked from the array
    RandomFrom( ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) )

    Beep( freq, duration )
Plays a sound
    PlaySound( filename, false [async] )
Wait n milliseconds ( break ctrl-break )
    Wait( 5000 )
Dialog box with a message
    MsgBox( 'message', 'caption' )
Start program
    Exec( 'filename', ['parameters'], ['directory'] )

Open com-port
    handle := OpenComPort( 1 )
Set baud rate
    BaudRate( handle, 9600 )

Connect to a TCP/IP
    handle := TcpClient( 'host / ip', port, [Timeout=1000] )

Write data
    WriteData( handle, 'data' )
Read data
    ReadData( handle, count )
Read all data
    ReadAll( handle )
Close connection
    Close( handle )

Sending messages users registered in the working group
    NetSend( 'host / ip', 'message' )

Checking the connections TCP/IP
    Ping( 'host / ip' )

Function names correspond to encoding algorithm. _E - encoding, _D - decoding
    Base64_E( 'string' )
    Base64_D( 'c3RyaW5n' )
    Morse_E( 'string', 'eng' ['rus'] )
    Morse_D( '... - .-. .. -. --.', 'eng' ['rus'] )
    UUE_E( 'string' )
    UUE_D( '&<W1R:6YG' )
    XXE_E( 'string' )
    XXE_D( '4QrFmOKtb' )
    URL_E( 'строка' )
    URL_D( '%F1%F2%F0%EE%EA%E0' )

    StrToHex( 'string' )
    HexToStr( '737472696E67' )

    AnsiToUtf8( 'строка' )
    Utf8ToAnsi( 'СЃССЂРѕРєР°' )

    AnsiToOem( 'строка' )
    OemToAnsi( 'бва®Є ' )

Function names correspond to encryption algorithms. _E - encrypt, _D - decrypt
    Blowfish_E( 'string', 'key' )
    Blowfish_D( HexToStr( 'D6F0DF7489EC' ), 'key' )
    Twofish_E( 'string', 'key' )
    Twofish_D( HexToStr( '7E9CBE8F9B06' ), 'key' )
    Cast128_E( 'string', 'key' )
    Cast128_D( HexToStr( '216212CDDE4B' ), 'key' )
    Cast256_E( 'string', 'key' )
    Cast256_D( HexToStr( '05791D1DAD20' ), 'key' )
    DES_E( 'string', 'key' )
    DES_D( HexToStr( '6FAE586796A6' ), 'key' )
    DES3_E( 'string', 'key' )
    DES3_D( HexToStr( '2951EBBAC9FD' ), 'key' )
    Ice_E( 'string', 'key' )
    Ice_D( HexToStr( '84C91E3A8077' ), 'key' )
    Ice2_E( 'string', 'key' )
    Ice2_D( HexToStr( 'A328DA587437' ), 'key' )
    ThinIce_E( 'string', 'key' )
    ThinIce_D( HexToStr( '41A405D7254E' ), 'key' )
    IDEA_E( 'string', 'key' )
    IDEA_D( HexToStr( 'CA102AED6B57' ), 'key' )
    MARS_E( 'string', 'key' )
    MARS_D( HexToStr( 'C96B02CCFC78' ), 'key' )
    Misty1_E( 'string', 'key' )
    Misty1_D( HexToStr( '38ADC95AA8C0' ), 'key' )
    RC2_E( 'string', 'key' )
    RC2_D( HexToStr( '436053FA3B04' ), 'key' )
    RC4_E( 'string', 'key' )
    RC4_D( HexToStr( 'A236F9BAFB0A' ), 'key' )
    RC5_E( 'string', 'key' )
    RC5_D( HexToStr( 'EB9AC33B9AFB' ), 'key' )
    RC6_E( 'string', 'key' )
    RC6_D( HexToStr( '24A465DE92F2' ), 'key' )
    Rijndael_E( 'string', 'key' )
    Rijndael_D( HexToStr( '1FF3E7BB38EE' ), 'key' )
    Serpent_E( 'string', 'key' )
    Serpent_D( HexToStr( '79C40F945083' ), 'key' )
    TEA_E( 'string', 'key' )
    TEA_D( HexToStr( 'EB2858E82879' ), 'key' )
    XOR_E( 'string', 'key' )
    XOR_D( HexToStr( '18110B020B1E' ), 'key' )

Function names correspond to algorithm of data compression. _P - pack, _U - unpack
    RLE_P( 'ssssss' )
    RLE_U( HexToStr( '1973' ) )
    Huffman_P( 'ssssss' )
    Huffman_U( HexToStr( '06000000E700' ) )
    ArithmeticCoding_P( 'ssssss' )
    ArithmeticCoding_U( HexToStr( '8B7E9FE80000' ) )
    LZO_P( 'ssssss' )
    LZO_U( HexToStr( '060017737373737373' ) )
    LZW_P( 'ssssss' )
    LZW_U( HexToStr( '801CE0503808' ) )
    LZSS_P( 'ssssss' )
    LZSS_U( HexToStr( '0173EEF2' ) )
    LZ77_P( 'ssssss' )
    LZ77_U( HexToStr( '0600000002730200' ) )
    LZMA_P( 'ssssss' )
    LZMA_U( HexToStr( '5D0000400006000000000000000039E97C000000' ) )
    Deflate_P( 'ssssss' )
    Deflate_U( HexToStr( '78DA2B2E060100097502B3' ) )

Function names correspond to hash algorithm
    CRC32( 'string' )
    CRC32B( 'string' )
    MD2( 'string' )
    MD4( 'string' )
    MD5( 'string' )
    SHA1( 'string' )
    SHA256( 'string' )
    SHA384( 'string' )
    SHA512( 'string' )
    Haval128( 'string' )
    Haval160( 'string' )
    Haval192( 'string' )
    Haval224( 'string' )
    Haval256( 'string' )
    Gost( 'string' )
    Tiger128( 'string' )
    Tiger160( 'string' )
    Tiger192( 'string' )
    RipeMD128( 'string' )
    RipeMD160( 'string' )
    Adler32( 'string' )

Get all the possible permutations
    Permutation( 'a', 'b', 'c' )
Get all the arrangement of N by M
    Arrangement( 2, 'a', 'b', 'c' )
Get all the possible arrangement
    FullArrangement( 'a', 'b', 'c' )
Get all the combination of N by M
    Combination( 2, 'a', 'b', 'c' )
Get all the possible combination
    FullCombination( 'a', 'b', 'c' )

Copy to clipboard
    ClipPut( 'string' )
Paste from clipboard

Get rectangle area of the screen

Make a screenshot
    Screenshot( 'screen' )
    Screenshot( 'area', GetRect() )
    Screenshot( 'window' )
    Screenshot( 'client' )

View images
    Preview( filename/imagedata/color )
Convert the image to Windows Bitmap
    BMP( filename/imagedata )
Convert the image to JPEG
    JPG( filename/imagedata )
Convert the image to Portable network graphic
    PNG( filename/imagedata )
Convert the image to Graphics interchange format
    GIF( filename/imagedata )
Convert the image to Truevision
    TGA( filename/imagedata )

Font selection dialog

Color selection dialog
    ColorDialog( 0x00DEADFF )

Get pixel color in any window

Get a color from the color model: red, green, blue
    RGB( 255, 173, 222 )
Split the color into its component colors: red, green, blue
    ColorToRGB( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: hue, saturation, lightness
    HSL( 324.1, 360.5, 302.6 )
Split the color into its component colors: hue, saturation, lightness
    ColorToHSL( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: win240 hue, saturation, lightness
    WinHSL240( 216.1, 240.5, 201.9 )
Split the color into its component colors: win240 hue, saturation, lightness
    ColorToWinHSL240( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: win255 hue, saturation, lightness
    WinHSL255( 195.4, 255.5, 214.5 )
Split the color into its component colors: win255 hue, saturation, lightness
    ColorToWinHSL255( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: cyan, magenta, yellow
    CMY( 0, 82, 33 )
Split the color into its component colors: cyan, magenta, yellow
    ColorToCMY( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: cyan, magenta, yellow, black
    CMYK( 0, 32.2, 12.9, 0 )
Split the color into its component colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, black
    ColorToCMYK( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: luma, 2 chrominance
    YUV( 190.5, 137.4, 160.5 )
Split the color into its component colors: luma, 2 chrominance
    ColorToYUV( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: hue, saturation, value
    HSV( 324.1, 32.2, 100 )
Split the color into its component colors: hue, saturation, value
    ColorToHSV( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: luma, in phase, quadrature
    YIQ( 203.1, 161.1, 160.6 )
Split the color into its component colors: luma, in phase, quadrature
    ColorToYIQ( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: luma, blue-difference, red-difference
    YCbCr( 203.1, 160.4, 137.4 )
Split the color into its component colors: luma, blue-difference, red-difference
    ColorToYCbCr( 0x00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: CIE XYZ
    XYZ( 69.4, 56.4, 76.3 )
Split the color into its component colors: CIE XYZ
    ColorToXYZ( 0X00DEADFF )

Get a color from the color model: CIE LAB
    LAB( 79.9, 37, -12.4 )
Split the color into its component colors: CIE LAB
    ColorToLAB( 0x00DEADFF )

Compare colors
    CompareColors( 0x00DEADFF, 0x00DEADFE )
Get average color
    GetAvgColor( 0x00FF0000, 0x00000000 )
Get color with transparency
    TransparencyColor( color, background, value [0..100] )
    TransparencyColor( 0x000000FF, 0x0000FFFF, 20 )
Invert color
    InvertColor( 0x00DEADFF )
    GammaCorrection( 0x00DEADFF, 1.5 )
Convert to gray
    ColorToGray( 0x00DEADFF )
Wavelength to color, [380..780] nanometers
    WavelengthToColor( 580 )
Frequency to color, [384..788] terahertz
    FrequencyToColor( 640 )

Set color input/output format
    'colorref':     '0x00DEADFF'            // colorref
    'html':         '#FFADDE'               // html color
    'css':          'rgb( 255, 173, 222 )'  // css color
    'delphi':       '$00DEADFF'             // delphi color
    'bgrdec':       '( 222, 173, 255 )'     // bgr decimal
    'bgrnum':       '14593535'              // bgr number

    SetColorFmt( 'colorref' )
    SetColorFmt( 'html css bgrnum' )

Get color input/output format

Directory selection dialog
    FolderDialog( 'C:\' )
File open dialog
    OpenDialog( 'C:\', 'text file|*.txt' )
File save dialog
    SaveDialog( 'C:\', 'text file|*.txt' )
Read from file
    LoadFromFile( filename )
Write to file. mode: 'a' - append, 'w' - rewrite
    SaveToFile( data, filename, mode )
Correct invalid characters in the file name
    FixFileName( filename )
Copy a directory or file
    Copy( oldname, newname )
Rename a directory or file
    Move( oldname, newname )
Remove a directory or file
    Remove( filename )
Check whether a particular file exists in the file system
    FileExists( filename )
Check whether a directory exists in the file system
    DirectoryExists( pathname )
Find all files that match the file mask
    FindFile( 'c:\', '*.*', false [subfolder] )
Extract the path from a filename
    ExtractFilePath( filename )
Extract the drive part from a filename
    ExtractFileDrive( filename )
Extract the filename part from a full path filename
    ExtractFileName( filename )
Return the extension from a filename
    ExtractFileExt( filename )
Change the extension of a filename
    ChangeFileExt( filename, ext )
Get date/time of the last file change
    FileAge( filename )
Return the current working directory of the application
Set the current directory of the application
    SetCurrentDir( path )
Create a new directory
    CreateDir( path )
Create a chain of directories
    ForceCreateDir( path )

Conversion from one unit of measurement to another
    Convert( 1, 'kilometers', 'meters' )
    Convert( 0, 'kelvin', 'celsius' )
    Convert( 1, 'millennia', 'years' )
    Convert( 1, 'ukpints', 'liters' )

    'Micromicrons', 'Angstroms', 'Millimicrons', 'Microns',
    'Millimeters', 'Centimeters', 'Decimeters', 'Meters',
    'Decameters', 'Hectometers', 'Kilometers', 'Megameters',
    'Gigameters', 'Inches', 'Feet', 'Yards', 'LightYears',
    'NauticalMiles', 'AstronomicalUnits', 'Points', 'Miles',
    'Parsecs', 'Cubits', 'Fathoms', 'Furlongs', 'Chains',
    'Paces', 'Rods', 'Links', 'Picas', 'Hands'

    'SquareMillimeters', 'SquareCentimeters', 'Ares',
    'SquareDecimeters', 'SquareMeters', 'SquareDecameters',
    'SquareHectometers', 'SquareKilometers', 'SquareInches',
    'SquareFeet', 'SquareYards', 'SquareMiles', 'Acres',
    'Centares', 'Hectares', 'SquareRods'

    'CubicMillimeters', 'CubicCentimeters', 'CubicDecimeters',
    'CubicMeters', 'CubicDecameters', 'CubicHectometers',
    'CubicKilometers', 'CubicInches', 'CubicFeet', 'CubicYards',
    'CubicMiles', 'MilliLiters', 'CentiLiters', 'DeciLiters',
    'Liters', 'DecaLiters', 'HectoLiters', 'KiloLiters', 'Cords',
    'AcreFeet', 'AcreInches', 'CordFeet', 'Decisteres', 'Steres',
    'Decasteres', 'FluidGallons', 'FluidQuarts', 'FluidPints',
    'FluidCups', 'FluidGills', 'FluidOunces', 'FluidTablespoons',
    'FluidTeaspoons', 'DryGallons', 'DryQuarts', 'DryPints',
    'DryPecks', 'DryBuckets', 'DryBushels', 'UKGallons', 'UKGill',
    'UKQuarts', 'UKPints', 'UKOunces', 'UKPecks', 'UKPottle',
    'UKBuckets', 'UKBushels'

    'Nanograms', 'Micrograms', 'Milligrams', 'Centigrams', 'Grams',
    'Decigrams', 'Decagrams', 'Hectograms', 'Kilograms', 'MetricTons',
    'Drams', 'Grains', 'Tons', 'LongTons', 'Ounces', 'Pounds', 'Stones'

    'Celsius', 'Kelvin', 'Fahrenheit', 'Rankine', 'Reaumur'

    'MilliSeconds', 'Seconds', 'Minutes', 'Hours', 'Days', 'Weeks',
    'Fortnights', 'Months', 'Years', 'Decades', 'Centuries',
    'Millennia', 'DateTime', 'JulianDate', 'ModifiedJulianDate'

Set default language
    SetDefaultLang( 'en' ['ru'] )
Get default language

Set the maximum loop time ( ms )
    SetMaxLoopTime( 30000 )
Get the maximum loop time ( ms )


Print the ANSI table with the codes
    for( i := 0, i < 256, inc( i ), echo( chr( i ) + ' - ' + str( i ) ) )

Take a screenshot of the screen and copy to clipboard
    ClipPut( Screenshot( 'area', GetRect() ) )

Author: RinOS