
File Switcher

  • Dave Brotherstone

    File Switcher is out, released on the npp-plugins project, thanks for Jens for setting this up.

    The main addition to this is a great patch from ssgsmt such that the highlight bar remains blue rather than light grey.
    The home and end keys also work normally in the edit box. 

    Maybe not quite enough to justify a release, but the highlight colour has come up more than once on the plugin development forum, so I thought I'd make it available.



    • Fool4UAnyway

      Fool4UAnyway - 2009-05-26

      Well, I asked for it myself, the (standard) Home and End key behavior in the text edit box.

      I expected this would work independently from the documents list below it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to switch focus between the two. (This possibly has to do with the highlighted document color being persistent.)

      I hoped to be able to switch focus to the documents list by pressing CursorDown, so I would only have to press the Home or End key to select the first or last document in the list. Would that be possible?

      If not, my suggestion would be to assign this behavior to the Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown key combo's.

      • Dave Brotherstone

        You're right, except actually you've not been able to focus on the listview for quite some time (not sure about 0.6, but certainly 1.0) - the thinking being is that if you accidentally tabbed/clicked etc, then you'd want to be able to still type, so by forcing the focus to stay on the edit box, it means any little mistakes do not slow you down.

        I like the Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down idea, I think that makes most sense.  (CursorDown already moves the list selection down, so it'd need to be something else - Ctrl-Down (for example), then end, seems a bit long winded to me, so I think your ctrl pgup/pgdn is best). I tried home and end in both configurations, and preferred it on the editbox as you suggested, but I might put an option in the next version to allow a preference to be set.

        It looks like there's going to be a release at some point after Notepad++ 5.4.1 is released to fix the folding issues (albeit this will break the readonly status icons in older versions, but it's a lot more stable), so I'll try and put this into that release.

        Thanks again,

        • Fool4UAnyway

          Fool4UAnyway - 2009-05-27

          > you'd want to be able to still type, so by forcing
          > the focus to stay on the edit box, it means any
          > little mistakes do not slow you down.

          This could perhaps also be handled by the list view capturing character keystrokes and passing them to the edit box, but it wouldn't actually make any difference I guess.

          My idea was that pressing Ctrl+CursorDown would move focus to the list view first. Then, pressing those keys again would move the selection down for the first time.

          > I like the Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down idea,
          > I think that makes most sense.

          Could also be Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End of course...

          I wasn't aware that pressing PageUp and PageDown by itself wouldn't work without pressing CursorDown first.

          > albeit this will break the readonly status icons in
          > older versions, but it's a lot more stable

          How about showing unsaved (deleted) files as unsaved?

          One more request: it would also be convenient if pressing Ctrl+Shift+Tab with the first item in the list selected would move the selection to the last document and the other way around for Ctrl+Tab (that is the key combo's as set for the File Switcher) and possibly also for any other move like Cursor or Page Up and Down.


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