Jose J Sanjosé - 2007-04-19

A new version of the plugin has been released today.

Among other things this are the changes:

_ Remember input dialog position
_ Retrieve current selected text from editor
_ Changed the way combo string are stored
_ Added icon to notepad++ toolbar
_ Added icon to notepad++ plug-ins tabs
_ The plug-in did not show at start
_ Get rid of tabs
_ Make the parameters window modaless
_ Get rid of confirmation window on stopping search
_ Added help dialog
_ The browse for folder dialog opens from the current folder if this exists
_ Fixed the whole word search
_ Added custom message WM_PG_LAUNCH_SEARCHINFILESDLG to open Search In Files from other plugins or Npp
_ Give focus to Npp with ESC or TAB keys

Future features:

_ Use regular expresions

Have fun