
Final version 1.2 released 03/16 (important)

  • Jens Lorenz

    Jens Lorenz - 2007-03-16

    Hello explorer user,

    At first for those they still downloaded the final version:
    Please download it again! There is a small issue in list [.] instead of [..].

    For the others: Here the changes between Beta 1 and final:

    Fix: Update of tree when switching between apps doesn't freeze Notepad anymore
    Fix: Folders and Files are now sorted correctly on all OS
    Fix: Create of new files or folders with characters "\/:*?"<>" now denied
    Fix: UTF8 named folder displayed as "????????" now hidden
    Fix: Layout behaviour of right docked explorer
    New: Remembering of last selected filter
    New: File search in file list by typing the name
    Change: Configuration of explorer stored now in user application folder

    Best Regards

    • jmg__

      jmg__ - 2007-03-17

      Looking better :)
      The sorting is good, but the icons are still scrambled in Win2000, in the lower window.

    • RuCla

      RuCla - 2007-03-19

      I also use the latest version and I don't have any problems with WIN XP Prof.

    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2007-03-19

      The icon problem appears only on W2k.

    • Rafaël Bekkema

      Rafaël Bekkema - 2007-03-19

      Why does the tree have to be updated when switching applications? I'm working on a pc with slow hd's so it takes forever to update the tree. It would be nice to update only the currently opened folders or only update the tree at the start of notepadd++ (and on a update button).

    • Crash

      Crash - 2007-03-19

      I agree with Rafa.  Every time I bring NotePad++ back into focus, the Explorer plugin locks up...seemingly to "refresh" itself or something.  This occurs even if no changes have been made to any file on any drive. 

    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2007-03-19

      There are several problems regarding the automatic update:

      1: It was often requested and therefore I add this nice functionality.
      2: Update on W9x platforms. There is no way to get an interrupt or a notification from the system when something was changed. Therefore I have only one routine for all systems.
      3: Network devices slows down the explorer update when the network device is not available but mounted.

      What plan I to do to make it faster:
      1: My first step, and this one is finished, is to update only correct mounted devices.
      2: To add the suggestion of Rafa. Good idea. I don't know why the idea didn't just occurred to me.

      Both steps will be published in a patched version. 1.2.1

      Best Regards


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