
[ ANN ] Open File In Solution (OFIS) plugin

  • fredrik

    fredrik - 2009-12-09

    Open File In Solution (OFIS) plugin for Notepad++ ( public alpha )

    If you have used Eclipse or Visual Assist(VAX) in VS you know what this is all about.
    If not it lets you index specific folders and possible specific types of resources
    (xml-, cpp, py-files) for a fast indexing of files.

    It also have the option to monitor named directiores so if you delete/add files in
    the folders it will automatically remove them from indexed files ( for example if
    you update your trunk through svn/perforce/whatnot ).

    Open File In Solution (OFIS) came about when I got fed up with using Eclipse at work
    to manage/edit content(scripts/settings/etc) files of our projects. Notepad++ is a
    far superior editor and do not have any of the downsides of Eclipse( memory footprint,
    slow, constantly crashing and the list goes on… ). The only thing that stopped me from
    switching to N++ was the lack of a fast way to switch between files located all over
    the project tree. I initially wrote this plugin to be used at work but thought it
    could come to use for other people in the same situation.

    Contact information, plugin and screenshots can be found at


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    This is a great plugin! Just what i needed.

  • Pranav A Tekchand

    Thank you for building and sharing your awesome plugins.

    1. I may have noticed a reproduceable bug in SolutionHub UI. Once the file size of nppplugin_solutionhub_solutions.settings gets larger than about 4kB, the UI stops "drawing" after relaunching.

    Steps to reproduce:
    I had multiple solutions in different locations (could be repro-d by making copies of solutions as if they're branches etc), and I began adding the various sub folders, that each comprises of, using SolutionHub UI.
    After adding a few solutions like this, the UI stopped accepting additional directories (I suspect this was when the settings file went just above 4kB).
    The UI was still functional at this point in the sense that the currently added solutions were visible.
    However, the next time I launch (exit npp and re-launch) Notepad++, the SolutionHub UI showed up blank, even though the settings file seems to correctly have solution data in it.

    2. I also have a suggestion/feature-request for the "search-format" for OFIS.
    It would be useful/time saving if OFIS will open a file and jump directly to a particular line (NPP's functionality on Ctrl+G by default) in a file when the search field ends with a colon followed by a number.

    A use case may be jumping straight to the line reported by a compiler.
    Eg:"foo:42" <Enter>
    Will open foobar.cpp (assuming that is the first result for "foo") and jump the cursor to line 42.

    3. On a somewhat related topic to (1), I'd like to mention some more feature requests:
    It would be great if the solution settings format supported a (i) "base directory" and an (ii) "enable/disable" directories option.

    Rationale/thoughts behind these:

    The "base directory" could make the settings file smaller. With a base directory set, the multiple directories under a solution's settings could be subdirectories from that point onwards.
    The "enable/disable" would be useful to temporarily disable searches on certain types, depending on how one sets up their solution. As an example, if a solution has three directories set, one filtering for ".cpp .h .inl" another filtering for ".m .h" yet another filtering for ".py" etc, once could temporarily disable the ".m .h" directory belonging to a solution without deleting it and later re-adding it.

    Thanks again and for you time for reading this message. Please let me know if I can help with this in any way as you may be busy.


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