


About NPEDetector

NPEDetector statically detects the dereferences in Java programs that are safe
and those that could potentially result in NullPointerException. Designed to
be a sound verifi er, NPEDetector guarantees the safety of proven dereferences
but could imprecisely flag safe dereferences as faulty. NPEDetector is built
using WALA, Watson Libraries For Analysis.
It is a free and open source software distributed under the GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL).

For installing and using NPEDetector see our [User guide]

Reporting Bugs

NPEDetector is an ongoing research project in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. We are continuously looking for ways to make the tool more precise, scalable and functional. We strongly encourage the users of the tool to the report any potential bugs and performance issues to the General Discussions forum.



Wiki: User guide