
onepanel / News: Recent posts

NPanel source code is being refarctored

Since individual module programming is boring, the code of npanel driver will be refactored, in order to integrate XML description of each page/function, instead of hard coded classes.

Posted by trenck 2010-01-08

NPanel R_0_0_1 has been released !

The first working npanel has been released, with limited functionnalities.
Operating buttons and indicators:
- Master Auto Pilot indicator and control
- Flaps indicators
- Gear indicators and control

Posted by trenck 2009-09-17

Npanel project is shared

The Npanel project is shared in sourceforge. It is based on opencockpit iocard device to manage a command panel for Flight Simulator.
Source code will be released soon, user and developer wiki has been started. Flight Simulator support depend on FSUIPC version.

Posted by trenck 2009-07-09