
Nova / News: Recent posts

Nova 1.8

> Fixed a bug when adding or removing folders from the library which caused the file information to be invalidated.
> Added a paste menu to the direct downloader.
> Removed unnecessary files and themes (now downloadable from the Nova homepage) which saves over 1 MB in download size.
> Many smaller bug fixes or speed improvements.

Posted by Aaron Bishell 2003-07-03

Nova 1.8beta

> Added basic meta data searching (Audio, Video, etc).
> Fixed a critical Windows 98/Me issue.
> Added the ability to execute files from within the uploads and library sections.
> Can now move the application into a different directory and it will still operate correctly.
> Performance increase for all operations in the library section.
> Added a virtual library to the library section which shows your shared files orgainised into "meta folders".
> Added a popup to direct download eDonkey links.
> Optimised the "more info" popup in the downloads section.
> Re-wrote the uploads section and fixed an upload bug.
> Added a more info popup for the uploads section.
> Added a queue position indicator for queued uploads.
> General memory reduction and performance increase.
> Improved download speed (via GnucDNA).
> Added a generic keyword filter for searching.
> Full Tiger Tree support added (via GnucDNA).
> Fixed a bug where a user sharing over approximately 200 files would cause file loading problems.
> Fixed many small IRC bugs.

Posted by Aaron Bishell 2003-06-15

Nova 1.7


1. More themes added.
2. Fixed a bug which would cause a crash when a shared folder is removed.
3. Added IRC chat.
4. Sped up connecton process.
5. Miscallanious improvements and fixes.

Posted by Aaron Bishell 2003-05-08

Nova 1.6


1. Fixed a bug which caused Nova to crash.
2. Added an executable to run Nova as opposed to a batch file.
3. General speed improvements, fixes and enhancements.

Posted by Aaron Bishell 2003-04-27

Nova 1.5


1. Improved the speed and look of the folder selection dialog.
2. Added a progress bar to see how much and what chunks are complete in a download.
3. Added a "users online" estimate indicator.
4. Converted all "more info" windows to dialogs not popups so they can be moved.
5. Lots of changes, fixes, tweaks.
6. Right clicking now automatically selects the row.
7. Fixed a bug with multiple cancels in the downloads list.
8. Fixed a bug when a blocked vendor (Qtrax) attempted to download a file off Nova.
9. Fixed a bug with list sorting.
10. Sped up all clists, increased the maximum search results to 1000.
11. Added full Gtk+ theme support.
12. Lowered processor useage when searching and reduced the spikes.
13. Added partial meta data support. You can now view proper meta information on search results.
14. The remaining Windows 95/98/ME bugs should be fixed.
15. Implemented an advanced settings dialog for knowledgable users.
16. Users now have to option to "quick hash" their shared files.

Posted by Aaron Bishell 2003-04-13

Nova 1.4


1. Enhanced the popup for viewing more info on a search result, added more information.
2. Added a new style to blend in with Windows XP.
3. Added a "more info" popup for viewing extended information on a download.
4. Added filetype icons to both "more info" popups.
5. Sped up sorting when searching.
6. Fixed a bug with the sort algorithm.
7. Fixed redraw issues when searching.
8. Tweaked the firewall options.
9. All searches are now regularly refreshed not just the open search.
10. Added option for custom download directory.
11. Enhanced most of the images used throughout the program.
12. Lots of internal bug fixes.
13. Added notifications to let you know when its searching, how many results it has and when its finished searching.
14. Made the scrollbars in Transfers and Library easier to see.

Posted by Aaron Bishell 2003-03-21

Nova 1.3


1. Improved connection speed.
2. Lowered idle CPU useage.
3. Lowered CPU useage when searching.
4. Increased sorting speed for all lists.
5. Added partial/completed file preview option.
6. Add vendor information to upload list.
7. A list of known spammers and false file distributors are filtered from all searches.
8. Improved the look of the interface in many areas.
9. More interface enhancements (tooltips, message boxes, speed improvements, etc).
10. Many bug fixes.
11. Ability to perform operations on multiple rows of a list (such as mass downloading, etc).

Posted by Aaron Bishell 2003-03-15

Nova 1.2


1. Added support for hash search.
2. Finished the code rewrite into two main classes.
3. Put most signals and timers into the interface class to save memory.
4. Removed most global variables.
5. Many interface enhancements.

Posted by Aaron Bishell 2003-03-03

Nova 1.1


1. Added prompt on exit option.
2. Force binding and "behind firewall" options for firewalled users.
3. Added the ability to send multiple searches concurrently.
4. Improved the look.
5. Added the ability to sort all columns on all lists.
6. Speed of the library add and remove buttons improved greatly.
7. Massive clean of code base, vastly improved but still not quite finished.

Posted by Aaron Bishell 2003-02-26