Welcome to the Nova Flux page!
The Nova Flux engine is a fairly new game Engine and has bugs to workout. As you can tell a lot of the pages on source forge are blank because I have not had time to fill everything out. In the next few weeks I have made plans to continue to fix some of the bugs in the engine and begin a tutorial series on youtube and start figuring out how to document these things online. For the few of you who have already downloaded my library let me know if you are having issues, e-mail me at novaflux017@gmail.com and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
You can also check out my youtube channel where I have started a tutorial series on how to use this game engine at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEdEwzoKpvGYkWrynC9rqcw/feed?view_as=public
Getting Startedhttps://sourceforge.net/p/novafluxlibrary/wiki/Getting%20Started/
The wiki uses Markdown syntax.