Update: that string work, but only after having restarted n++ or selecting again the language (after the selection of showing recent files in a sub-menu)
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
<ContextMenuXmlEditWaring title="Editing contextMenu" message="Editing contextMenu.xml allows you to modify your Notepad++ popup context menu.\rYou have to restart your Notepad++ to take effect after modifying contextMenu.xml."/>
<NppHelpAbsentWaring title="File does not exist" message="\rdoesn't exist. Please download it on Notepad++ site."/>
<SaveCurrentModifWaring title="Save Current Modification" message="You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"/>
<LoseUndoAbilityWaring title="Lose Undo Ability Waning" message="You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"/>
<CannotMoveDoc title="Move to new Notepad++ Instance" message="Document is modified, save it then try again."/>
<DocReloadWarning title="Reload" message="Are you sure you want to reload the current file and lose the changes made in Notepad++?"/>
<FileLockedWarning title="Save failed" message="Please check whether if this file is opened in another program"/>
<FileAlreadyOpenedInNpp title="" message="The file is already opened in the Notepad++."/>
<DeleteFileFailed title="Delete File" message="Delete File failed"/>
<PanelTitle name="Project"/>
<WorkspaceRootName name="Workspace"/>
<Item id="0" name="Workspace"/>
<Item id="1" name="Edit"/>
<Item id="3122" name="New Workspace"/>
<Item id="3123" name="Open Workspace"/>
<Item id="3124" name="Reload Workspace"/>
<Item id="3125" name="Save"/>
<Item id="3126" name="Save As…"/>
<Item id="3127" name="Save a Copy As…"/>
<Item id="3121" name="Add New Project"/>
<Item id="3111" name="Rename"/>
<Item id="3112" name="Add Folder"/>
<Item id="3113" name="Add Files…"/>
<Item id="3114" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="3111" name="Rename"/>
<Item id="3112" name="Add Folder"/>
<Item id="3113" name="Add Files…"/>
<Item id="3114" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="3111" name="Rename"/>
<Item id="3115" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="3116" name="Modify File Path"/>
</ProjectManager> </Native-Langue>
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
<ContextMenuXmlEditWaring title="Editing contextMenu" message="Editing contextMenu.xml allows you to modify your Notepad++ popup context menu.\rYou have to restart your Notepad++ to take effect after modifying contextMenu.xml."/>
<NppHelpAbsentWaring title="File does not exist" message="\rdoesn't exist. Please download it on Notepad++ site."/>
<SaveCurrentModifWaring title="Save Current Modification" message="You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"/>
<LoseUndoAbilityWaring title="Lose Undo Ability Waning" message="You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"/>
<CannotMoveDoc title="Move to new Notepad++ Instance" message="Document is modified, save it then try again."/>
<DocReloadWarning title="Reload" message="Are you sure you want to reload the current file and lose the changes made in Notepad++?"/>
<FileLockedWarning title="Save failed" message="Please check whether if this file is opened in another program"/>
<FileAlreadyOpenedInNpp title="" message="The file is already opened in the Notepad++."/>
<DeleteFileFailed title="Delete File" message="Delete File failed"/>
<PanelTitle name="Project"/>
<WorkspaceRootName name="Workspace"/>
<Item id="0" name="Workspace"/>
<Item id="1" name="Edit"/>
<Item id="3122" name="New Workspace"/>
<Item id="3123" name="Open Workspace"/>
<Item id="3124" name="Reload Workspace"/>
<Item id="3125" name="Save"/>
<Item id="3126" name="Save As..."/>
<Item id="3127" name="Save a Copy As..."/>
<Item id="3121" name="Add New Project"/>
<Item id="3111" name="Rename"/>
<Item id="3112" name="Add Folder"/>
<Item id="3113" name="Add Files..."/>
<Item id="3114" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="3111" name="Rename"/>
<Item id="3112" name="Add Folder"/>
<Item id="3113" name="Add Files..."/>
<Item id="3114" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="3111" name="Rename"/>
<Item id="3115" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="3116" name="Modify File Path"/>
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Since the translation of the project manager panel and of some messages, do you think it is possible to translate also other panels, like, ascii caracter pane or clipboard history pane, and so on, and other messages? :)
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Notepad++ 5.7
<Item id="20015" name="Import…"/>
<Item id="20016" name="Export…"/>
<Item id="43050" name="Inverse Bookmark"/>
New line for Notepad++ 5.7
<Item posX = "2" posY = "21" name = "Bookmark"/>
NOTEPAD++ 5.7.1 RC
New line:
<Item id="48016" name="Modify Shortcut/Delete Macro…"/>
<Item id="48017" name="Modify Shortcut/Delete Command…"/>
<Item id="6226" name="None"/>
<Item id="6227" name="Line Wrap"/>
<Item id="6228" name="Default"/>
<Item id="6229" name="Aligned"/>
<Item id="6230" name="Indent"/>
Delete (if have)
<Item id="1623" name="Transparency"/>
<Item id="44049" name="Summary…"/>
NOTEPAD++ 5.8.3
Add line:
<Item id="48018" name="Edit Popup ContextMenu"/>
5.9 RC
<Item posX="1" posY="17" name="Paste Special"/>
<Item id="42037" name="Column Mode…"/>
<Item id="42038" name="Paste HTML Content"/>
<Item id="42039" name="Paste RTF Content"/>
<Item id="42048" name="Copy Binary Content"/>
<Item id="42049" name="Cut Binary Content"/>
<Item id="42050" name="Paste Binary Content"/>
<Item id="43051" name="Remove Unmarked Lines"/>
NEW LINE 5.9.1
<Item id="42051" name="Character Panel"/>
<Item id="42052" name="Clipboard History"/>
<Item id="43052" name="Find characters in range…"/>
<FindCharsInRange title = "Find Characters in Range…">
<Item id="2910" name="Find"/>
<Item id="2" name="Close"/>
<Item id="2901" name="Non-ASCII Characters (128-255)"/>
<Item id="2902" name="ASCII Characters (0 - 127)"/>
<Item id="2903" name="My Range:"/>
<Item id="2906" name="Up"/>
<Item id="2907" name="Down"/>
<Item id="2908" name="Direction"/>
<Item id="2909" name="Wrap around"/>
593 version
<Item id="6125" name="Document Switcher"/>
<Item id="6126" name="Show"/>
<Item id="-1" name="Display"/>
<Item id="6424" name="In Submenu"/>
<Item id="6425" name="Only File Name"/>
<Item id="6426" name="Full File Name Path"/>
<Item id="6427" name="Customize Maximum Length:"/>
LINEs move in "Global" block
LINEs move in
"Global" block <NewDocid="6304"
Has anyone found the string for the menu item 'Recent Files' in the File menu?
In the <subentries section, you can use this:
<Item posX = "0" posY = "19" name = "Recent files"/>
Update: that string work, but only after having restarted n++ or selecting again the language (after the selection of showing recent files in a sub-menu)
Thank you ices_eyes
<!- Sub Menu Entries ->
<Item posX="3" posY="21" name="Project"/>
<!- all menu item ->
<Item id="44081" name="Project Panel 1"/>
<Item id="44082" name="Project Panel 2"/>
<Item id="44083" name="Project Panel 3"/>
Thanks a bunch, man!
NEW line in 5.9.5
<ContextMenuXmlEditWaring title="Editing contextMenu" message="Editing contextMenu.xml allows you to modify your Notepad++ popup context menu.\rYou have to restart your Notepad++ to take effect after modifying contextMenu.xml."/>
<NppHelpAbsentWaring title="File does not exist" message="\rdoesn't exist. Please download it on Notepad++ site."/>
<SaveCurrentModifWaring title="Save Current Modification" message="You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"/>
<LoseUndoAbilityWaring title="Lose Undo Ability Waning" message="You should save the current modification.\rAll the saved modifications can not be undone.\r\rContinue?"/>
<CannotMoveDoc title="Move to new Notepad++ Instance" message="Document is modified, save it then try again."/>
<DocReloadWarning title="Reload" message="Are you sure you want to reload the current file and lose the changes made in Notepad++?"/>
<FileLockedWarning title="Save failed" message="Please check whether if this file is opened in another program"/>
<FileAlreadyOpenedInNpp title="" message="The file is already opened in the Notepad++."/>
<DeleteFileFailed title="Delete File" message="Delete File failed"/>
<PanelTitle name="Project"/>
<WorkspaceRootName name="Workspace"/>
<Item id="0" name="Workspace"/>
<Item id="1" name="Edit"/>
<Item id="3122" name="New Workspace"/>
<Item id="3123" name="Open Workspace"/>
<Item id="3124" name="Reload Workspace"/>
<Item id="3125" name="Save"/>
<Item id="3126" name="Save As…"/>
<Item id="3127" name="Save a Copy As…"/>
<Item id="3121" name="Add New Project"/>
<Item id="3111" name="Rename"/>
<Item id="3112" name="Add Folder"/>
<Item id="3113" name="Add Files…"/>
<Item id="3114" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="3111" name="Rename"/>
<Item id="3112" name="Add Folder"/>
<Item id="3113" name="Add Files…"/>
<Item id="3114" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="3111" name="Rename"/>
<Item id="3115" name="Remove"/>
<Item id="3116" name="Modify File Path"/>
\r not work need replace on wrap line without tab
Hi golem7777777
Thank you for finding these string. Did you miss the string 'Add Files from Directory…', or is it hard coded?
How did you find these strings?
@joergenr actually the "Add Files from Directory…" are the new lines of 5.9.6
New lines 5.9.6:
<Item id="3117" name="Add Files from Directory…"/>
<Item id="3117" name="Add Files from Directory…"/>
Or rather, use
It makes the XML file much easier to read.
Since the translation of the project manager panel and of some messages, do you think it is possible to translate also other panels, like, ascii caracter pane or clipboard history pane, and so on, and other messages? :)
<WorkspaceRootName …………………………………
<NewProjectName name="Project Name"/>
<NewFolderName name="Folder Name"/>
Sometimes on XP it causes an incorrectly displaying. At least before.
new lines 5.9.8
not used now