
MenuIcons plugin 1v00

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  • Franco

    Franco - 2015-03-06

    This is a new plugin to display icons in both the main and context menu of Notepad++.
    More than provide a full set of icons this plugin is intended to enable other people to create icon themes.
    If you have a good set that you would like to share, let me know and I will post a link on the plugin page.

    The small set of icons included is from Open Icon Library.

    You can download the plugin here:

    When first started, the plugin looks for the MenuIcons folder under the Plugin folder.
    You can change it in the options.

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-03-06

    Hello Franco,

    Thank you for the MenuIcons plugin. I think it's a great useful addition to NP++.

    With your permission, some comments:
    1) The padding should be slightly adjusted, isn't it? (Please see the attached image).
    2) Does it support RTL interface?
    3) You seem to be very prolific. :) How about creating a related plugin displaying the file's icon in the current tab?

    Best regards.

    • Franco

      Franco - 2015-03-07

      1) The icons are displayed by Windows... I don't control the position. What OS are you running? Do you have themes enabled?

      2) What's RTL interface?

      3) If I discover how to do it...

    • Franco

      Franco - 2015-04-15

      I have been investigating a way to display file icons in the tab (and at that point in the recent files and windows menu).

      I made some progress but I have 3 issues:

      1) I have been unable to intercept the icon change produced by a buffer changing dirty status
      2) If I'm eventually able to do it... what should the "dirty" file icon be?

      3) When changing the tab size through NPP options the tab becomes unreadable and requires NPP restart (currently I'm less worried about this for a prototype because, chances are you don't change it often)

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-03-07

    Hello Franco,

    Thanks for replying.

    • I use Windows 7 32-bit (Classic Theme).
    • Right To Left interface (e.g. Hebrew).


    • Franco

      Franco - 2015-03-09

      My guess it is related to the right to left interface.
      I cannot test it on my system.
      Can you check if the problem is solved on an English setup?
      Anybody else has this problem.

      Honestly... I at the moment I would not know how to fix it since the icons are positioned by Windows API and do not control them.

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-03-09

    Hello Franco,

    Thanks again.

    The screenshot I attached is in English interface.

    Best regards.

    • Franco

      Franco - 2015-03-20

      I still cannot reproduce your problem.
      For me it works fine on Win7 32 or 64 bits.
      The plugin does not work (with a behavior similar to what you show) on WinXP.

  • Franco

    Franco - 2015-03-20

    Menu Icon 1v02 is now available.
    It adds icons to the tab context menu.
    More icons are included.
    Adding, replacing, or deleting icons it's very easy... customize your experience.

    You can download the plugin here:

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-03-22

    Hello Franco,

    Using Aero, the icons are displayed correctly. Try switching to the Classic Look Theme (on Win 7).

    There must be some code adjustments for the different themes. It would be great if you could find a solution.

    Thank you.

    • Franco

      Franco - 2015-03-26

      Thanks to Google, I found a solution here:!topic/tortoisesvn-dev/ypbbuLsDfVI

      Please try this version that should solve your problem:

      However, there is a caveat. You cannot assign icons to menu items that get a check mark.
      If you do, then the check mark will be hidden under the icon.

      In theory, there should be a way to show the icon only when the check mark is not present but I have not been able to get it to work... given that so far you are the only one with this issue I don't want to spend more time on it.

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-03-26

    Hello Franco,

    Thank you so much. I really appreciate your work.

    With your permission, one more question:
    Is it possible to display icons in context-menus (editor and tab) when using a localized language interface?

    Best regards.

  • Franco

    Franco - 2015-03-30

    Menu Icons plugin 1v04 has been released

    It should improve context and tab menu detection for non English languages

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-03-30

    Hello Franco,

    Thanks again for your great work.
    Navigating the menus is much more pleasant and easier with "Menu Icons".

    Icons are properly displayed in the tab's context-menu. Special thanks.

    I've edited the editor's context-menu, and none of the icons show up with my version.
    It seems that removing "<Item MenuEntryName="Edit" MenuItemName="UPPERCASE"/>" is the cause.

    A minor issue: for some strange reason, the "Print" icon won't display in the "File" menu.

    The problem with check-marks hidden by icons exists with Aero as well, doesn't it?

    Best regards.

    • Franco

      Franco - 2015-03-30

      I need a way to detect when a context menu opens and so far I have been looking for the presence of some items, if you removed it, then it is not recognized. I will keep thinking a better way to do it.

      I don't know why the print icon does not show.
      You can try replacing with another icon to make sure it's not the ICO file or it's the menu name

      With Areo, the checked icons become recessed automatically.

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-03-30

    Hello again,

    How about receiving from the user a string existing in the context-menu?

    I had an extra space in the "Print" entry (in the xml file). OK now. Sorry.

    Thank you.

  • Ethan Piliavin

    Ethan Piliavin - 2015-04-01

    Hi, thanks for the great plugin.

    It seems like its not working yet with the Custom Toolbar Plugin.. the icons appear in the menus but not in the customized toolbar...

    ( )

    Is there a way to look into it?

    • Franco

      Franco - 2015-04-01

      I'm not sure what you expect... they are different plugins.
      I guess if Custom Toolbar support icons instead of bitmaps, they you could point it to the MenuIcons when you create your custom buttons.
      Otherwise, CT would have to get the bitmap from the menu entry.

  • Ethan Piliavin

    Ethan Piliavin - 2015-04-01

    One request as well. Do you think it is possible to increase the size of the toolbar icons?

    • Franco

      Franco - 2015-04-01

      You have to ask to their developers

      • Ethan Piliavin

        Ethan Piliavin - 2015-04-01

        Isn't that what I am doing here? :)

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-04-15

    Hello Franco,

    Please try the following steps with Notepad++ 6.7.6.

    Have some files in the Recent Files list.
    Press "Open All Recent Files".
    Press "Close All".

    Result: most of the icons disappear.
    I suppose it's related to the issue reported here.

    By "receiving from the user a string existing in the context-menu" I meant adding a setting (in Options) for that purpose.
    Alternatively, could you use "Copy" (much more common in context-menus) as an indication to the context-menu opening?

    Thank you.


    Last edit: Yaron 2015-04-15
    • Franco

      Franco - 2015-04-15

      I don't know what the issue is with the icons disappearing.
      Let's see what Dohn does to fix the underlying bug.
      Hopefully that may fix the menu icons as well.

      I will try to relax the context menu detection in the future.... I'm really trying to avoid parsing the XML file.

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-04-15

    Hello Franco,

    We shall wait and see. :)

    Thanks again for this brilliant plugin.

    Best regards.

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