
ascii symbol charactoers replaced by "???"

ron stone
  • ron stone

    ron stone - 2015-05-06

    I continue to have a problem with ascii symbols such as single quote, double qoute, ampersand, copyright, etc being replaced by question mark symbols: ??. I assume this has to do with encoding. I have not had this problem before using regular text editors. All my html is in english; default encoding is UTF-8 w/o BOM. I dont understand why comma symbol is OK but quote symbol is risky. I could replace symbols with html number, but this shouldnt be necessary. I'm hoping someone could help make sure this problem goes away. thanks

  • Andreas Jonsson

    Andreas Jonsson - 2015-05-06

    Please attach an example file so we can reproduce the problem (doesn't necessarily have to be the exact HTML files if those are private, but you can probably cut out all the extraneous stuff).

  • ron stone

    ron stone - 2015-05-06

    Below is part of an old html file recently edited in notepad++. After several saves the characters " and - were changed to ???. This happens frequently. <meta charset="utf-8"> thanks

                                <tr height="18" style="height:13.2pt">
                                  <td height="18" colspan="3" style="height: 13.2pt; mso-ignore: colspan" width="471">Notes:1.
                                Add 2' - 0" for double nose over on incline belts.2.
                                Add 2??? ??? 6??? for underside take-ups for all above,
                                except 25 RB.3. Add 6??? ??? 6??? for underside take-up for
                                25 RB.4. Add 2 x OAL + 6??? for chain driven power
                                feeders.5. Add 2 x OAL + 2??? ??? 6??? for integral type
                                power feeders.</td>

    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-07

    Hello Ron,

    Unfortunately, I can't explain this strange behaviour :-((

    As for me, after downloading your file "Introduction-to-conveyors.html", which I renamed, I did a copy and opened it, in my 6.7.5 N++ version, with my default encoding : UTF-8 without BOM

    Then, I modified the "wrong" zones , at the end of the part B) of the section EIGHT), with the expected syntax, save it and quit N++.

    After starting N++, again, the modified text was identical, without any question mark symbol :-))

    Finally, I opened the modified file with, both, IE and Firefox browsers, and the text seemed correctly displayed ! ( Refer to the 3 attached pictures, below )

    Anyway, I hope that someone will be able to give you some hints about that weird displaying !

    Best regards,



    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-05-07
  • Andreas Jonsson

    Andreas Jonsson - 2015-05-07

    Right, in the attached file the question marks are actual question marks, so it's not a display problem.

    I think what we need to proceed further is an example of a "before" file, ie a file which looks alright, but after saving becomes wrong.

    Are you always editing these files locally? You're not making changes, uploading them via FTP somewhere, and then downloading them again, etc?

    Running any plugins?

  • ron stone

    ron stone - 2015-05-07

    Attached is the original file. I transferred this file via ftp a couple times, without any corruption. Likely, the source of the problem would be ftp or the editor. The problem happens frequently but not consistently. The problem seemed to begin about the time I began using notpad++; however, I began using Filezilla about the same time. Encoding and such is beyond my pay grade. No plugins. Appreciate any ideas. thanks

  • ron stone

    ron stone - 2015-05-07

    This is weird. in the corrupted file (introduction-to-conveyors.html) with the "???"... If I highlight the ??? and press the " key, 2 "'s appear. As if the " character already exists. Very weird. Hope that helps.

  • ron stone

    ron stone - 2015-05-07

    Filezilla transfer type currently set to auto. Will change to binary. thanks


    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-08

    Hi Ron, Andreas,

    Pleased to learn that problem occurred because of an option of the file transfer application Filezilla :-)

    Ron, after thinking about it, I realized that my test was rather useless ! Indeed, as I changed the corrupted text, of your file, and saved the right text, with the same encoding, used while opening it ( UTF-8 without BOM ), it's obvious that all the file was correctly saved and would be normally displayed, at the next opening, both, in N++ and browsers !

    Enjoy N++ !



    P.S. :

    In your last attached file , introduction to conveyors.htm, few normal characters ', " and - are replaced by the classic Unicode Replacement Character \xFFFD, written with the three bytes EF BF BD, in an UTF-8 encoding, and displayed as a small white square box, in N++ !


    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-05-08