
Don't Save All

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-05-17

    Is it possible to discard changes in multiple files without having to press "Save > No" for each file?

    Thank you.


    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-17

    Hi Yaron,

    Ah, yes, it's an interesting suggestion ! However, clicking this new button No (save) for All should pop-up a confirmation box, of the kind, Are you sure ? with buttons Yes and No

    Just imagine, that you've modified, let say, 20 files... No, I don't want to imagine such that bad scenario :-(((

    Best Regards,



    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-05-17
  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-05-17

    Hello guy038,

    Thanks for replying. I thought there might be some shortcut I didn't know about.
    Holding Shift while pressing "No" might be a good solution (as it works in many Windows applications).

    Best regards.

    • THEVENOT Guy

      THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-17


      Oh, I didn't think about holding a Shift key ! Good idea ! It would prevent from clicking on an extra confirmation box

      Indeed, for instance, in Windows, the difference beteen Del and Shift + Del, when a file is selected, in explorer.exe

      So, when exiting Notepad++, if you would hold the Shift key, while clicking on the No button, of the Save confirmation dialog, all the modified files wouldn't be saved at all !




      Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-05-17
      • Yaron

        Yaron - 2015-05-17

        Hello guy038,

        Thanks again. I'm glad you agree.

        Best regards.

  • Andreas Jonsson

    Andreas Jonsson - 2015-05-17

    Implemented here:

    I have seen the request several times before, but adding a "No to all" button to a dialog box seemed like a lot of work. Holding down shift is a good compromise.

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-05-17

    Hello Andreas,

    Thank you so much for the patch. I do hope it's accepted and integrated soon.

    May I seize the opportunity and refer to a few more issues?
    I'd be grateful if you find some time to fix/improve them (one at a time :)).

    My NP interface is RTL.
    I'm quite sure that most RTL users would prefer the default text direction to be Left to Right.
    I've been using a Python Script to achieve that, but an apparently simple change in the source code would be much better.
    Would it be possible to add a setting: "Default Text Direction Left to Right (for a RTL interface)"?

    I have reported the following bugs. I suppose that Don hasn't found the time to address them.


    2) Left-click a line number (the line is selected), and immediately right-click on the same spot.
    Result: the line is unselected, and the commands "Copy", "Paste" etc. are grayed-out.

    (It seems to depend on DSpellCheck's context menu; - if the plugin is installed and its context menu items show up, the commands "Copy" and "Paste" are available.
    Otherwise, those commands are grayed-out).

    3) Left-click a line number (ONE line is selected).
    Result: the status bar displays: Sel: (Number of chars) | 2 (TWO lines are selected).

    Select a whole line with a mouse stroke.
    Result: the status bar displays: Sel: (Number of chars) | 0 (NONE selected).

    How can I open the containing folder in a MAXIMIZED Explorer window?

    Best regards.

  • Andreas Jonsson

    Andreas Jonsson - 2015-05-18

    I think it's possible to get the Explorer window to be maximized by creating a batch file like this:

    start /max explorer /select,%1

    Then go to Run -> Run menu and adding a new command which does this:

    c:\path\to\batchfile.bat "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-05-18

    Thanks again. I appreciate your help.

    I've been using NirCmd.

    <Command name="Open Containing Folder..." Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0">&quot;C:\Windows\nircmd.exe&quot; exec max &quot;C:\Windows\Explorer.exe&quot; /select, &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot;</Command>

    I thought it might be achieved without it or a batch file.

    Best regards.