
Notepad++ 6.6.7 released

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2014-06-24
    • KindaSortaButNotReally

      Will there be an "Independence Day" release?

    • Jan Schreiber

      Jan Schreiber - 2014-07-02

      Hi Don,

      (1) Here's my latest German localization for Notepad++:
      Also, an updated version of english.xml would be helpful.

      (2) For the last few versions, Notepad++ does not persist the "Function parameters hint on input" setting from the Auto-Completion section of the Settings dialog. It is set to off after every restart of Notepad++, a (minor) regression, I suppose.

      (3) I would love to see Google Drive on the list of cloud storage service providers, but that is probably on your to-do list already.


      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2014-07-25

        Hi Jan,

        Thank you for your translation. For the sake of release workflow, could you email me your updated translation as usual?
        An updated english.xml will be available after 6.6.8 release.

        "Settings on Google Drive" feature will be in 6.6.8 release, which will be available this weekend.


  • blackyozh

    blackyozh - 2014-06-25

    Everything is good, only there is no syntax illumination in tpl files. It would be desirable that in the following versions it was

  • Lars Knickrehm

    Lars Knickrehm - 2014-06-26

    Tried out OneDrive integration, but couldn't even enable it: The corresponding radio box in the settings dialog is greyed out. Is this a bug or my mistake?


    Last edit: Lars Knickrehm 2014-06-26
    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2014-06-26

      Hi Lars,

      Notepad++ checks 2 following keys in registry to locate your OneDrive folder:

      If one of 2 keys is found, then Notepad++ search "UserFolder" key's value which contains your OneDrive folder's full path.

      If the full operations described above fail, then Notepad++ considers that OneDrive is not installed in your system, and greys out this option.

      What is your windows version?
      Could you manage to get your OneDrive key path in the Registry and provide it?



      Last edit: Don HO 2014-06-26
      • Lars Knickrehm

        Lars Knickrehm - 2014-06-26

        "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SkyDrive\UserFolder" was still pointing at "D:\SkyDrive", which does not exist any longer.

        But "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SkyDrive\UserFolder" points at "D:\OneDrive", which is the correct one.

        Maybe there's a problem in the detection order. After updating the first key, things work as planned.

        Thanks for your great work, Don HO!

        PS: I'm using Windows 8.1 Update 1.

        • Don HO

          Don HO - 2014-06-26

          Thank you Lars for the info.
          It'll be fixed in the next version.


  • Lars Knickrehm

    Lars Knickrehm - 2014-06-26

    --- comment moved by author ---


    Last edit: Lars Knickrehm 2014-06-26
  • Remote Administrator


    In 6.6.7 wrong auto detect syntax highlighting for .php files if open .php files remotely!

    For example: if I open .php files in FileZilla FTP manager, then syntax highlighting auto detected as "CoffeeScript".

    If .php files open locally, then no problem.

  • Chris Daley

    Chris Daley - 2014-06-30

    In previous versions, the AutoSave ver 1.4 plugin from fstellar was flagged as "unstable", but could be re-installed using the Plugin Manager. The plugin worked, in my case, with no problems.

    In 6.6.7, the Plugin Manager still lists AutoSave as "Good", when when I try to re-install it, I get "Installation of AutoSave failed".

    Use this "save file when loose focus" feature extensively and would hate to see it disappear.


    Rather than relying on the Autosave version downloaded by Plugin Manager, went to the link listed -- -- and downloaded v1.40 from there.

    The zip file had 2 versions of the dll (A for ASCII and U for Unicode ?). Copied the AutoSaveU.dll file to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\" and was back in business.

    Not sure why the Plugin Manager version was being rejected.


    Last edit: Chris Daley 2014-07-08
  • DV

    DV - 2014-07-14

    This looks like a scenario that needs to be properly handled by the auto-backup feature:
    I mean, when Notepad++ is restarted and there are some unsaved backup-ed files, these files should be reported as "dirty" by SCI_GETMODIFY.

  • R Massey

    R Massey - 2014-07-15

    Even with session snapshot turned off, Notepad++ no longer shows changed files as changed via the tab highlight. And it does not save the changed file when exiting. This has been happening since version 6.6.1.

  • - 2014-07-16

    What is the PCRE version used by Notepad++? Specifically, what am I dealing with when I write regex parsers for user-defined languages?

  • JayRP

    JayRP - 2014-07-17

    Don't UPGRADE if you use AutoHotKey ahk for hot keys! They don't work with this version. I am pretty sure they worked with 6.6.3

  • Mike Mac

    Mike Mac - 2014-07-21

    I have 6.5.1 without upgrade feature.
    What's the best way to upgrade to 6.6.7?
    Can I just install "over" the current install folder without harm?