
Unsaved file overwritten automatically

  • Deeb

    Deeb - 2015-03-30

    I have encountered a serious issue that may cause me to cease using Notepad++ (which would suck).

    I had a .txt file open which I was editing and my computer crashed. The crash had nothing to do with Notepad++. The file was not new, I was editing a previously existing file and my edits were unsaved at the time of the crash. When I opened the file again after reboot, it had been completely overwritten and then saved with ~ 100 "NULL" characters. As best I can tell Notepad++ apparently decided to replace all my content with NULL and save it, effectively destroying my file. I have never experienced this behavior with any program - naturally I would understand that any unsaved edits would be lost, but to have a file be overwritten with NULL characters seems like a way that Notepad++ deals with crash scenarios or something.

    Any thoughts or explanations?

  • Deeb

    Deeb - 2015-03-30

    Actually it was 766 NULL characters. Possibly one for each character I already had in the file? No idea..


    Last edit: Deeb 2016-04-24