
Notepad++ v6.7.8 released

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2015-05-16

    Version 6.7.8 is available.

    In this release, an annoying regression about the message "The buffer passed to GetFullPathName was too small!" has been fixed.
    Auto-updater WinGup ( ) is upgraded in this version and it supports SSL now.
    Sort lines feature has had poor performance in the previous versions but it's improved greatly in this release.

    Auto-updater will be triggered in one week if there's no critical issue found.

    Read this news on:


    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-16

    Hi Don

    Many thanks for that new 6.7.8 version

    • Concerning point #1, I personally skipped the 6.7.7 version, but fixing this annoying message is good news

    • Point #3 is really awesome : the sort's speed is, at least, multiplied by 20 !!! ( Tested on a 2 Mo file, of about 6000 lines ) May I add that, up to now, the
      so-called Quick-Sort algorithm, didn't seem implemented inside N++ !!

    • I'm not concerned with the point #4 ( Too low resolution on my screen ! )

    • I tested the point #6, which works as expected to !

    • Point #7 is interesting : it can help when you're looking for the different locations of a specific single character, as you can, now, jump up and down, with the shortcuts CTRL [ + SHIFT ] + #n

    Finally, concerning point #8, Don, I'm sorry, but there is, still, a problem :-((

    For instance, do the simple test of sf acc below :

    • Start Notepad++ and open a new tab

    • Choose the ANSI encoding ( Encoding - Encode in ANSI )

    • Type the string §A§A§A§A, only and save the file, with name Test.txt

    • Close and restart Notepad++

    => The file is **well** displayed, with **ANSI** encoding

    • Add the two characters §A, at the end of the single line

    • Save the file. Then close Notepad++ and restart Notepad++

    => The file displays **five Chinese** ideograms !?
    => The encoding change to **Big5 (Traditional)** !?

    If you redo the steps above, when the Autodetect character encoding option is unchecked, in Settings - Preferences - MISC, everything is, now, OK :-))

    Refer to the discussion below :

    Anyway, to my mind, only for point #3, this version is quite valuable !!

    Best Regards



    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-05-16
    • Andreas Jonsson

      Andreas Jonsson - 2015-05-17

      The new sort should be able to process a million lines in a matter of seconds.

      There is an additional improvement in the sort. If all lines are integers, it will sort numerically rather than lexicographically. For example, an ascending sort of this:


      will be:


      In previous versions the program gave this result:


    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-17

    Hello Andreas,

    Oh, so, I suppose that you're the contributor, who adds this important improvement in N++ sort ? Many thanks again ! And I didn't notice yet this additional feature : the Numeric Sort :-)

    So, to sump up, here are my results, after some tests :

    --- Normal LEXICOGRAPHIC Sort, because of NON NUMERIC characters --------
    8        Alan                   1        Bob
    1        Bob                    1000     Fred
    47       Charles                12       Harold
    127      David        ==>       127      David
    4        Edward                 4        Edward
    1000     Fred                   47       Charles
    89       Gary                   8        Alan
    12       Harold                 89       Gary
    --- NUMERIC Sort, as ONLY numbers in that LIST --------------------------
    8                               1
    1                               4
    47                              8
    127                   ==>       12
    4                               47
    1000                            89
    89                              127
    12                              1000
    --- STILL, NUMERIC Sort ( Very NICE result, too ! ) ---------------------
           8                           1
           1                           4
          47                           8
         127              ==>         12
           4                          47
        1000                          89
          89                         127
          12                        1000
    --- LEXICOGRAPHIC Sort, because of a SPACE, between numbers 127 and 4 ---
    1                               1
    47                              1000
    127                             12
                          ==>       127
    4                               4
    1000                            47
    89                              8
    12                              89

    Andreas, the side-effect of your sort's improvement, is that you can't perform a numeric sort for text, whose all the lines begin with a number, like below !

    8        Alan                   1            Bob
    1        Bob                    4            Edward
    47       Charles                8            Alan
    127      David        HOW ?     12           Harold
    4        Edward       ¯¯¯       47           Charles
    1000     Fred                   89           Gary
    89       Gary                   127          David
    12       Harold                 1000         Fred

    Anyway, your new sort feature is quite giant :-))



  • Andreas Jonsson

    Andreas Jonsson - 2015-05-17

    --- LEXICOGRAPHIC Sort, because of a SPACE, between numbers 127 and 4 ---

    If the empty line is totally empty you will get a numeric sort. But if there is white space in there it will be lexicographic sort.

    Andreas, the side-effect of your sort's improvement, is that you can't perform a numeric sort for text, whose all the lines begin with a number, like below !

    Well, that was not possible before either. But I'm working on some more improvements which should solve that.


    Last edit: Andreas Jonsson 2015-05-17

    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-17

    Hi Andreas,

    Concerning the fourth example that I gave, in my previous post, I didn't consider this case as an error.

    I just wanted to point out the fact that, if some lines are not completely blank lines, the sort is obviously lexicographic !

    So, for a nice numeric sort, better to run the option Edit - Blank Operations - Trim trailing Space, to get rid of all the extra space/tabulation characters !

    Andreas, in a perfect world, the sort functionality should handle sort keys !

    As, for instance :

    - Sort key 1 : 10 characters, from position 35, Sort order : Ascending, Comparison : Case Insensitive
    - Sort key 2 : 5 characters, from position 10, Sort order : Descending, Comparison : Numeric
    - Sort key 3 : 18 characters, from position 70, Sort order : Ascending, Comparison : Case Sensitive

    But I know, it's always easier to speak about something rather than trying to do it ! So, just do as you like :-)




    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-05-17
    • Andreas Jonsson

      Andreas Jonsson - 2015-05-17

      Yes, there is always tension between allowing the user to do everything, and being user-friendly. If we were to implement your example with sort keys then we'd be awfully close to having implemented an entire programming language within N++. (Of course, we already have that with the PythonScript plugin). My current improvement (which will hopefully be in the next version, you can see the discussion here) has 4 choices for different sort methods.


    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-17

    Hi Andreas,

    Oh, yes, I forgot to test with decimal numbers ! Presently, of course, it always sort it, in a lexicographic way, because of the dot or of the French comma, for decimal numbers !

    So the future options, that you propose, seem quite interesting, as well as the Menno Vogels's suggestion about a sensitive/insensitive sort :-))

    Good luck to achieve this improvement !

    Best Regards,



    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-05-17
  • Prakash

    Prakash - 2015-05-18


    After installing/upgrading to 6.7.8 Getting the error while opening "The Program can't start because MSVCR120.dll is missing from your computer Try reinsalling the program to fix this problem.

    Will this be fixed ?


    Last edit: Prakash 2015-05-18

    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-18

    Hello Andreas and All

    Firstly :

    Andreas, may be you're going to consider me as "The bad boy", but, could it be possible to sort from a specific column N ? That is to say : ignore the N - 1 first characters of each line. Of course, if it would be easy enough to implement !!

    Secondly :

    I thought about the problem of Sort keys and I found a very simple way to simulate them, with a classical sort, that, only, uses the entire line as a sort key :-)

    You just have to :

    • Build a search regex that extracts the different zones that you consider as sort keys

    • Add them, in the replace regex, before each line of the file, in decreasing order of priority

    An example, to make it clear :

    Let's suppose that you would like to sort a file with three sort keys :

    • 3 (n1) characters, beginning from column 13 (c1)

    • 10 (n2) characters, beginning from column 58 (c2)

    • 8 (n3) characters, beginning from column 74 (c3)

    Of course, from above, it means that the minimum length of all the lines, of your file, must be 74 + 8 -1 = 81

    Then, just use the generic regex below :


    which gives, with our example, the correct search regex, below :


    You can verify that the sum 12 + 3 + 42 + 10 + 6 + 8 = the minimum length of 81

    Now, you would like that :

    • The 10 characters, from column 58 would be the first sort key

    • The 8 characters, from column 74 would be the second sort key

    • The 3 characters, from column 13 would be the third sort key

    Just use the replace regex, below, to get the right priority of these three sort keys :

    \2 \3 \1 $0

    You'll easily understand, for instance, that the 10 characters of the group 2 are obviously sorted "before" the 8 characters of the group 3, as \2 is placed before \3, in the replace regex !

    You don't even need to separate with spaces, but it easier to visualize the different keys sorts and the records of the file

    Moreover, adding $0, at the end of the replace regex ( remember that it means all the matched string ), allows to sort on the entire line ( in case all the keys were equal, between two lines ), exactly, like a professional sort software behaves :-))

    Finally, you'll just have to delete the beginning of each line ( the different sort keys ), keeping the entire line $0

    From my replace regex above, I must delete the 24 first characters of each line ( 10 + 8 + 3 + 3 spaces ), to get the right sorted file !

    Quite easy, with the simple search/replacement below :

    SEARCH : ^.{24}(.)

    REPLACE : \1

    NOTES :

    • NEVER check the . matches newline option of the Replace dialog

    • In the last S/R, DON'T use the syntax : SEARCH ^.{24} and REPLACE = Nothing

    • In the last S/R, I could have used the search syntax ^.{24}(.*), but the former is faster, especially when the file contains many lines ( > 50000 about )

    Indeed, Andreas, even the case of sorting, from column N, could be easily done with this S/R !




    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-05-18
  • Tamil prabha

    Tamil prabha - 2015-05-19


    After installing/Upgrading to Notepad++ getting an error message "The procedure entry point GetTickCount64 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll ” in Windows xp, and win server 2003 machines when launching the application for the first time.

    And the file version number still showing as "" instead of Seeing the same in "About Notepad++" option in application.

    will there be any solution for this issue?


    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-05-19

      Hi Tamil,

      Could you tell me if you can still launch Notepad++?
      If yes, could you confirm me that you get the error message while you run the command from the menu "?->Update Notepad++"?



    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-05-19

    Hi Don and All,

    There's a problem, concerning the archive files below :

    • npp.6.7.8.bin.7z


    • npp.


    The contents of their sub-folder user.manual is totally EMPTY !!

    So, you get an error message when you choose the option ? - Help Contents

    As a easy workaround, in the meanwhile, you just have to extract the contents of the sub-folder user.manual of the N++ archive v6.7.5 or v6.7.7, in your N++ sub-folder user.manual :-)



    P.S. :

    For people who installed the 6.7.8 version and would like to update to version :

    TWO files, only, have changed : Notepad++.exe and Change.log


    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-05-19
    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-05-20

      Hi Guy,

      User Manual is out of date and it was removed from binaries release.
      I will make a Notepad++ docs project on gitub soon, in which people can do their contribution.


  • Tamil prabha

    Tamil prabha - 2015-05-20

    Hi Don,

    I can still launch the application. I'm getting this error only when launching the application for the first time after installing Notepad++ application in fresh machine as well as upgrading to

    I'm not able to update it from 6.7.7 to via "Update Notepad++" command menu option since it always says "No update available".

    (Note: Auto update feature is enabled. Settings -> Preferences -> Misc -> selected "Enable Notepad++ auto-updater")


    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-05-20

      Could you download the following file:

      Unzip 2 files into your notepad++_install_dir\updater\ then launch the updater.

      Please let me know if the problem is resolved.
