
Snippets buttons

Ben in CA
  • Ben in CA

    Ben in CA - 2015-06-09


    I've used Arachnophila for years for editing code. (I preferred version 4.) It had some useful features for basic HTML formatting coding - such as you could press a B button, and it would put tags around the selected text to make it bold, (and you could do the same with underline, italics, div center alignment, etc.)

    It also had a good Beatify (sort of like and Compress features, which made code easy to read, and then reduced the file size by packing it all together.

    It had special hotkey features like pressing Ctrl + Spacebar for a   you could click on an image tag and press Ctrl + N and it would automatically detect and insert the width and height of the image.

    You could also Convert Characters, change tag delimiters from < to <, and change text case from uppercase to lowercase, etc. There were also handy Table and List generators.

    But the best thing about it was that you could make piles of your own toolbars, with your own commands. So if you were doing something often, you could make a custom button (quite easily), that would insert that certain text whenever you pressed it. (or used a keyboard shotcut) And if you put a | in the button code, then it would surround your selection with such code. It's a huge time saver when doing repetitive work, but not repetitive enough to create a macro. You could assign a button to just insert a certain tag (like
    ), or to insert an entire line of custom code, to avoid having to find it elsewhere and re-type it.

    I've spent considerable time looking for a Notepad++ plugin or way of doing this, but I haven't found a good way of doing it yet - nothing that worked as well. As such, I'm sometimes coding in both, depending what I'm doing.

    Any suggestions?

  • David Bailey

    David Bailey - 2015-06-09

    Well I think you could do some of that with macros. Take the Bold example.

    1) Select some text
    2) Turn on macro recording.
    3) Cut the selected text to the clipboard.
    4) Type (b) and paste the clipboard contents back in (which leaves the cursor at the end of the pasted text).
    5) Type in (/b)
    Now turn off the macro recording and save the macro with a name and a shortcut key if desired.

    (Replacing parentheses by angle brackets)

    Now you can bold selected HTML text with one keystroke.

    Maybe the key point you have missed is that macros can be saved for future use.



    Last edit: David Bailey 2015-06-09
  • Ben in CA

    Ben in CA - 2015-06-12

    Thanks David!

  • Christophe Meriaux

    Hello, you can do what you want with the fabulous python script plugin.
    You juste have to learn python language
    Tell me if you wants to know more.