
Notepad++ 6.7.7 released

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2015-04-16

    New version Notepad++ 6.7.7 is available here:

    • talz13

      talz13 - 2015-04-24

      When attempting to download 6.7.7 I get a warning from our corporate proxy:

      WARNING: CAS has detected a threat in this
      Threat detected based on Sandboxing results
      File has been dropped

      I tried downloading 6.7.5 afterwards, and got no complaints from the web filter.

    • JimD

      JimD - 2015-05-01

      Don, will you be releasing the source code in a 7z or zip archive? I don't see a link to one on the download page.


    • Peter Roxor

      Peter Roxor - 2015-05-04

      May be this is a silly question -
      before I used Ctrl+Shift+T to copy current line to clipboard.
      Now this key combination triggers 'Restore last closed file'.
      Is there a way how to copy current line to clipboard?
      Thank you.

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-04-16

    Hello Don,

    Thank you for the new version.

    I downloaded a portable NP v6.7.7, dragged and dropped a file into it and then closed it; - "Ctrl+Shift+T" appeared but "Restore Recent Closed File" was missing.
    I have not encountered this glitch.

    The issue reported here might help in further investigating the problem. It didn't happen with v6.7.5.

    Best regards.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-04-16

      Hi Yaron,

      What do you mean by "portable NP v6.7.7"?


  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-04-16

    Hello Don,

    I downloaded the 7z package and did not use the installer.


  • Pavel Nedev

    Pavel Nedev - 2015-04-16

    Hi Don,

    Has the source repo changed?
    I don't see new commits to

    Latest revision there is 1352.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-04-19

      Yes, repo is on github now. I did not yet do the announcement, but will do it soon.


  • Arbitel

    Arbitel - 2015-04-16


    The cloud is still broken. Any idea?

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-04-19

      Which cloud is still broken?
      They work fine for me.
      More information will help.


      • Arbitel

        Arbitel - 2015-04-20

        Don, I use Google Drive but it's not detecting it. It still shows No cloud is detected and everything is greyed.

        How does it find the Google Drive ?

        • Liam Gretton

          Liam Gretton - 2015-05-01

          Same for me. Google Drive support stopped working at version 6.7.5 I think. I've just set up new PC and I couldn't get ANY recent version of NP++ to recognise Google Drive - I went back to 6.6.8 with no luck. My home system still has 6.6.8 and that recognises GD. Dropbox is ok though.

          Win 7 x64, Google Drive client 1.21.9226.6034.

          For my working system with NP 6.6.8, GD version is 1.20.8672.3137.

          • Liam Gretton

            Liam Gretton - 2015-05-01

            Just updated my home PC's Google Drive client to 1.21.9226.6034 (still with NP 6.6.8) and it NP continues to recognise GD in the cloud options. Main difference therefore with my new PC is that it's only ever had GD 1.21.9226.6034 installed.

  • scootergrisen

    scootergrisen - 2015-04-17

    I'm working on translating Notepad++ and would like to know the differences between v6.7.5 and v6.7.7.

    The english.xml file in v6.7.7 says its version 6.7.5.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-04-27

      english.xml file is not updated yet.
      I'll update it ASAP.


  • Sébastien Andrivet


    With the new version (6.7.7 auto-upgraded today), it is no longer possible to use a programmable keyboard to input text in NotePad++.

    For instance I use programmable keys on a Logitech G710+ keyboard to type in repetitive strings of text - it simulates a series of keystrokes with a 15ms delay between each input. These suddenly stopped to work with the new version.

    Any suggestion ? It is messing up my work process but good. :-)


    Edit - deversioning back to a 6.7.5 client doesn't fix the issue. Odd.

    Edit 2 - deleting the content of NP++'s AppData folder did it


    Last edit: Sébastien Andrivet 2015-04-26
    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-04-27

      Hi Sébastien,

      Edit 2 - deleting the content of NP++'s AppData folder did it

      I don't get this part. Could you elaborate it?


      • Sébastien Andrivet

        Reproduced recently :

        1/ Upgrade N++ to latest version
        2/ Programmed key strokes cease to work (see above)
        3/ Exit N++
        4/ Either delete the NotePad++ folder from the Users/(User)/AppData/Roaming, or prefix it with a tilde as suggested by Hashmich - same thing
        5/ Start N++, which generates a fresh AppData folder and content
        6/ Programmed keystrokes now work
        7/ Re-enter my preferred settings (chiefly a smaller selection of languages)

  • hashmich

    hashmich - 2015-04-26


    I got the same problem as the previous postwriter.
    The new Notepad version breaks my custom keyboard layout, which is driven by Autohotkey (not a native MS Windows driver).
    This might be an issue as well to others, who are using keyboard layouts such as NEO or ADNW.
    My assumption is, that N++ now hooks the keyboard before the .ahk script does it's magic.

    Will try to apply the fix suggested above.

    Kind regards,

    EDIT: one doesn't need to deversion, for me the following procedure fixed it:
    - closing the editor
    - renaming the N++ folder in AppData/Roaming to ~N++
    - restarting the editor (a new N++ folder will be created)
    - closing the editor
    - copy over all contents from the old ~N++ folder to the new one
    - restart the editor, autohotkey keyboard layout is working


    Last edit: hashmich 2015-04-26
    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-04-27


      Could you download zip package here:

      And just unzip all content in a folder, then launch Notepad++ to see if you can reproduce this issue?


  • Hiro5

    Hiro5 - 2015-05-03

    Thanks again for the new version.

    This is probably an old error, but...
    In the explorer, if you select some files, left click, and try to open with the option "Edit with Notepad++", I get this error:

    checkSingleFile failed!!!
    the buffer passed to GetFullPathName was too small!

    then, it shows:

    path that failed:

    I click "OK", and NP++ opens those files.

    And it repeats again with the same messages, with more list of files that I selected, ... until it ends opening all the files that I selected.


    • Gary

      Gary - 2015-05-05

      I just got the same error but under slightly different circumstances. I get it when I double-click a single file in explorer. The funny thing is that it works without error when I left-click that same file and choose "Edit with Notepad++".

      I eventually nailed it down to the path exceeding a certain length (>=165) in a certain directory via a process of elimination. The original file that caused the error is:
      "C:\Users\Gary\Music\Fleetwood Mac\Fleetwood Mac & Clapton 1970-02-05 Boston,MA Tea Party Jam\Fleetwood Mac & Clapton 1970-02-05 Boston,MA Tea Party Jam stereo-M1-SBD.txt"

      The error occurs with the following file (pathname length == 165):
      "C:\Users\Gary\Music\Fleetwood Mac\Fleetwood Mac & Clapton 1970-02-05 Boston,MA Tea Party Jam\Fleetwood Mac & Clapton 1970-02-05 Boston,MA Tea Party Jam stereo-M1-SB.txt"

      but not with this one (pathname length == 164):
      "C:\Users\Gary\Music\Fleetwood Mac\Fleetwood Mac & Clapton 1970-02-05 Boston,MA Tea Party Jam\Fleetwood Mac & Clapton 1970-02-05 Boston,MA Tea Party Jam stereo-M1-S.txt"

      I tried various combinations of filenames/lengths in "C:\Users\Gary\Music\some random directory with a really long path\" but couldn't get the problem to occur even with the pathname length >=165. I then tried the following 2 files with more generic filenames in the original directory:
      "C:\Users\Gary\Music\Fleetwood Mac\Fleetwood Mac & Clapton 1970-02-05 Boston,MA Tea Party Jam\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx164.txt"
      "C:\Users\Gary\Music\Fleetwood Mac\Fleetwood Mac & Clapton 1970-02-05 Boston,MA Tea Party Jam\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx165.txt"

      The error occurred with the second file but not with the first.

      Here's my system/version info:
      Notepadd++ v6.7.7
      Windows 8.1 64 bit (fully patched)

      Github issue created:


      Last edit: Gary 2015-05-05