
Tab Sort By Name

Red Devil
  • Red Devil

    Red Devil - 2009-08-18

    I'd like to request that a menu command for sorting tabs by name be added.

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-08-19

      Window -> Window... -> Sort tabs.

      But if you need to access this functionlity through a menu, then ask for this on IdeaTorrent, as recording a macro doesn't seem rto help.


    • Red Devil

      Red Devil - 2009-08-21

      Cool, thanks, but Sort Tabs button never highlights, even with one, all, or no windows selected.  :-/

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-08-21

      Move a tab randomly, then it will highlight.


    • Red Devil

      Red Devil - 2009-08-24

      Tried that a few times and it didn't highlight.  :-/

    • Red Devil

      Red Devil - 2009-08-24

      Followed your instructions on IdeaTorret and it worked...and then my conscience forced me to make a donation.  I feel much better now!  :-D

  • Greg Lowney

    Greg Lowney - 2010-06-29

    For the benefit of novice sourceforge users (like me) could you explain where or how you found instructions on IdeaTorrent?

    I managed to find the IdeaTorrent for Notepad++ ( via the Hosted Apps menu at the Notepad++ project page (, but once there I couldn't find the topic you're referring to: searching for "sort" didn't turn up anything relevant.

  • cchris

    cchris - 2010-06-30

    If the author of an idea was kind enough to provide relevant tags for the idea, searching for it would be easy. Note that many ideas are months old, so changing the view to "Most popular ever" prior is probably a good thing to do. I cannot change the default view, unfortunately.

    You may like even better, because it doesn't have a time cutoff and even reports invalid or implemented ideas.


  • Chris

    Chris - 2010-07-23

    If you click on a column heading first (to sort the order of the windows in the list), then the Sort Tabs button becomes active. Clicking "Sort Tabs" will then put your tabs in the same order as the column ordering in the list. The Help function describes. this.

  • Jarmod

    Jarmod - 2015-06-15

    Clicking the Name column heading is the key thing otherwise the 'Sort tabs' button is disabled. It also allows you to sort by path or type, which I guess could be helpful in some situations (like never). Pretty poor UI if you ask me.