
Notalon version 0.3.0 released

Notalon is an application designed to make Cornell note-taking simple. The purpose of Notalon is to separate note-taking from formatting, enabling the user to focus on the content and not the layout.

Several bugs have been fixed:
* Redundancy in opening already open files
* Document state set to "modified" on heading selection change
* Frame size of PDF larger than letter paper
* Incorrect parsing of newlines and tabs inside text on PDF generation

Many new features have been added, including:
* Print Preview and Insert Tab added to toolbar
* Progress bar for saving, loading, etc.
* Icons packaged as a default.iconset archive
* Fullscreen functionality
* Bullet hierarchies via tabs

The most important new addition is undo/redo functionality.


Posted by Saketh 2006-09-09

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