
NoPtr C++ Library / News: Recent posts

Question to users: operator() vs operator->

If any one who thinks of using NoPtr has any feelings about following possible change to nature of DynObj/RRef, now is time to email me at since I have to make a decision soon:

There have been discussions recently on the use of operator() vs operator-> to access the object pointed to by DynObj or RRef. The majority feeling seems to be that operator() is unusual for such task, misleading and too functor-like. Though I admit operator-> may be more common, DynObj and RRef were designed to be smart refs rather than smart pointers. The consequences of a change to operator-> would likely be to make DynObj and RRef smart pointers, small change but a few operators (operator< and operator==) would have to be changed.... read more

Posted by schoenborno 2003-06-02

Pretty close to beta

a4 is done. This should be pretty close to beta. Let's see how things go.

Posted by schoenborno 2003-05-14

Next alpha release

I've finished implementing a patch for a bug found by a poster on comp.lang.c++ that could cause the RRef::isNull to erroneously think an object still existed, rather important :) Thanks to Ivan for pointing it out. The fix doesn't affect the public interface, but does have a small impact on performance (I have to repeat the performance tests) and memory footprint, but is more amenable to multi-threading if that ever happens.

Posted by schoenborno 2003-05-10

Finally first release

This is the first release, finally. Now, some performance testing to do ...

Posted by schoenborno 2003-04-20