
#10 Midi Instrument support  Edit


is it possible to use nootka with a midi Instrument which has no own synthesizer?
I have a midi sax and the way I use it is connecting it to the computer via usb and using a soft synth to produce the sound. As far as I understood, nuitka takes the audio input from mic, is it possible somehow to make it to take the midi input or the output from the soft synth? thanks!


  • SeeLook

    SeeLook - 2019-03-20

    Unfortunately, midi input is not supported in stable version (1.4.5)
    In current development branch things went forward, and... even MIDI output is disabled ;)
    But saxophone support was added (very untested, I'm not playing it - so help wanted)
    and playing saxophone sounds as well (audio out). This is why that midi out was suspended.
    I was considering to remove MIDI at all (we have different instruments in audio out now)
    or add MIDI input along with output, if any user case will prove a necessity.
    ... and here You are.
    But there is a lot of work to iron out all the kinks of that new version (with saxophone of course).
    So I would prefer to finish and release Nootka 2 with more instruments support,
    then unlock MIDI output and add input.


    Last edit: SeeLook 2019-03-20
  • SeeLook

    SeeLook - 2019-03-20
    • status: open --> accepted
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-03-21

    wow the sax support looks great!

    however I can't use my real sax for practiceing because I only got time to practice at late nights, and well, the sax is a noisy instrument ...

    Hope to see support for midi instruments in a future release!

  • Jozef Riha

    Jozef Riha - 2019-07-13

    +1 for midi input. actually, i was quite surprised that such a complex program does not have this option. pitch recognition is not perfect at times..

  • SeeLook

    SeeLook - 2019-07-14

    Thanks for voting for this feature...
    As long as Nootka at very beginning was intended for guitar only and MIDI guitar is quite rare gizmo, there was no need for MIDI input. Also rhythms (timing) was not supported.
    But things changed, so I will love to add it. But I'm still blocked with other things, so please, be patient.

  • Jozef Riha

    Jozef Riha - 2019-07-14

    Thank you, now's the time for a small donation.. :-) Btw it's a bit apparent that the main audience for Nootka are guitar players but somehow I feel it could work nicely for learning piano too.

  • SeeLook

    SeeLook - 2019-07-14

    Thank You a lot for donation!
    And piano is already there, in developed version. For any Linux OS there is AppImage for testing - in Files/testing, so if You like to see it in action, You are welcome.

    • Jozef Riha

      Jozef Riha - 2019-07-15

      appimage did not really work for me (GLX error) but I modified nootka in AUR and uploaded nootka-hg. that works ;-) i wonder if piano also means that pitch recognition is improved when piano is played.

  • SeeLook

    SeeLook - 2019-07-15

    Arch rules, I see...
    Thanks for that PKGBUILD. I've not been able to manage AppImage that works with Wayland, but compiled from sources works on it.
    Pitch recognition is the same, but nature of playing piano is much, much more pitch-detectable (no cracks, no fret noises and so). I hope it meets requirements.
    I'm currently working on metronome ticking, so it is partial in the available snapshot.
    And truth to be told ,I didn't play with Nootka-piano much yet, so feedback apreciated.



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