
NokKaew for Mambo / News: Recent posts

NokKaew 1.6.2 Stable Released

NokKaew 1.6.2 Stable Released
Andrés Felipe Vargas Valencia

Today the NokKaew have released NokKaew 1.6.2 stable, this minor bug fixing release fix important bugs, improve the layout for speedy your daily work with it and improve the configuration reducing the chance of get problems installing NokKaew.

To upgrade from NokKaew 1.6.1 install the patch via Universal Installer, grab your copy of NokKaew 1.6.2 from or

Posted by andphe 2008-07-12

The good news from Nokkaew

Since the new version 1.6 of Nokkaew was released few months ago, the project still growing with success, here some news about the project.

Content Elements for Nokkaew Published

Thanks to Stefan Ilivanov the nokkaew community can enjoy of a lot of content elements that you can use for translate your components, this has been a big contribution of Stefan and we appreciate the work that him put in them and their spirit of share. Thank you Stefan!!... read more

Posted by andphe 2007-06-16

Nokkaew V1.6 for Mambo 4.6.2 Released

A new and improved version of Nokkaew was released, this new release requires Mambo 4.6.2 to work properly.

The features:
- Only 1 installation is required, now you don't need install the component, module and mambot like separated extensions.
- Nokkaew include cache capabilites, activating the cache for you site in the global configuration will activate the nokkaew cache
- New languages included
- This version reduces the load to the database removing unnecessary queries
- DOMIT was removed from the core, you won't need it anymore.... read more

Posted by andphe 2007-04-27

Nokkaew version 1.6 soon

Hello people,

The Nokkaew project still alive, this time with the soon to be released Mambo 4.6.2, the nokkaew team have worked hard to give you - the community - a fresh version of nokkaew for Mambo 4.6.2.

The new release will be called 1.6 and rid off the DOMIT from their core, so now it won't need DOMIT libraries anymore, has been improved a bit too, reducing some unnecessary calls to the DB, have 5 new languages: dutch, indonesian, italian, spanish and tagalog; furthermore the component, module and mambot are installed in only one step trough the Universal Installer.... read more

Posted by andphe 2007-03-31