
how to uninstall (remove) No Autorun

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Could anyone tell me how to uninstall (remove) ‘No Autorun’ on PC completely.

  • S. Saida

    S. Saida - 2010-07-10

    ‘No Autorun’ is a greenware. If you want to uninstall, just delete NoAutorun.exe and NoAutorun.ini .

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I did so , but it won't allow me to delete it.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I did so , but it won't allow me to delete it. It is on C\:Unzipped\. WHEN I try to delete it, the window shows the sign that it is currently in use. I use Revo uninstaller and CCleaner, but cannot find it (program files either).

  • S. Saida

    S. Saida - 2010-07-28

    Did you close NoAutorun before doing so? If the process NoAutorun.exe is running, you won't be able to delete the file.

  • sergio de dios

    sergio de dios - 2011-10-14


    does No Autorun  creates a file or directory named autorun.inf? ,   because I cannot delete it in my usb-memory.

    How can I delete  autorun.inf?

  • S. Saida

    S. Saida - 2011-10-15

    "autorun.inf" is created by viruses. Check if NoAutorun locks that file first. If so, delete it via NoAutorun.


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