I've set up TFMail.pl. As a recipient defined in
default.trc, I receive the email including attachments
just find. My redirect file spage.trt works fine as
well, but I also want to send a confirmation email to
the person that submitted the email, so I set the
following in default.trc:
confirmation_template: email_confirm
confirmation_subject: Research Request - Confirmed
confirmation_email_from: myemail@myemail.com
And this is what I have in my email_confirm.trt file:
%% NMS email template file %%
Thank you for your research request submitted on {=
date =}. Below is a summary of your submission:
{= FOREACH input_field =}
{= name =}: {= value =}
But when I hit submit, I receive the following error:
Application Error
An error has occurred in the program
[input_field] cannot be used in a FOREACH directive at
tfmail/NMStreq.pm line 689.
Not quite sure what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions
would be appreciated. Thank you! Karen