
nms / News: Recent posts


Been a while since we've updated much on this site. We've concentrating on the "user-facing" site at <>. But finally we've done some work here.

We've released new versions of all of the packages and also updated the FAQ.

We'll try to keep a bit more up to date in future.

Posted by Dave Cross 2002-05-18

Project FAQ

We've added a list of Frequently Asked Questions (and, more importantly, their answers) to the project documentation set.


Posted by Dave Cross 2001-11-26

We're Heeere!!

Ok, so the nms project has moved in to SourceForge. Please excuse any difficulties whilst we get settled in. In the meantime I've released Alpha versions of most of the scripts. Please test them and let me know about any problems you find.

Posted by Dave Cross 2001-11-12