
nmrshiftdb2 / News: Recent posts

nmrshiftdb2 collaborates with ThomsonReuters

ThomsonReuters announced a new database resource at the American Library Association Conference, which links literature references with original data. It will be called Data Citation Index and will be part of Web of Knowledge. We are proud that nmrshiftdb2 will be part of this initiative alongside major data providers. We believe this is an important step to bring more visibility to our data, their suppliers and their papers.

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2012-06-25

New cooperations

We are proud to announce more usage of nmrshiftdb2 data and software. Firstly, Jean-Marc Nuzillard from Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne has integrated the nmrshiftdb2 prediction mechanism into his LSD ( and CASA ( software. LSD is a structure elucidation software and CASA verifies a suggested structure, both using 1D and 2D nmr data. We are proud to help with this. Secondly, Chemaxon, a commercial software vendor known for its Marvin tools, has built a NMR prediction based on nmrshiftdb2 data, using their own algorithm ( It's good to see the open data principle at work with more implementations using the data being done.

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2012-06-24

New functions

We did a software update, which brings some new features. They include an automatic assignment (to be found on the "Assignment" tab) and the possibility to submit spectra as "private" for later publishing - interesting during writing of papers and other publications.

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2012-06-16

Software update

Today nmrshiftdb2 was updated to a new release. It includes bugfixes and some new features. For an overview, see the changelog at Apologies to all who experienced downtimes during the update!

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2011-12-31

Lost structures?

In case somebody is watching the statistics closely, she/he might have noticed that the number of structures has gone down by around 70. This is not a loss of data, we are actually merging entries where duplicate structures crept in over time. So we are not actually losing data.

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2011-12-20

nmrshiftdb2 at GCC 2011

nmrshiftdb2 was presented at the German Conference on Chemoinformatics in Goslar. Visitors could also collect the new nmrshiftdb2 flyer, which will be available in print at selected events in the future and is available for download at

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2011-11-11

nmrshiftdb2 at EUROMAR 2011

We had a poster presentation at EUROMAR 2011 (joint with the 33rd Discussion Meeting of the MR Spectroscopy Division of the GDCh and 8th European Federation of EPR Groups Meeting) 21st - 25th August 2011, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. We believe we had good feedback for both the public database and the lab administration system. You find the poster for download

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2011-08-30

New Server

From 2011-07-10 a new server for nmrshiftdb2 at will be active. The old server will be used a test instance. Please follow the link given if you see the test server message and update your bookmarks if you have any pointing to

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2011-07-10

Bulk download available again

The bulk download in sd and cml formats is available again. The download is from the subversion history, which will continue from the starting point of the nmrshiftdb2 data. See the help page at

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2011-04-09

New home for

The URL now redirects to nmrshiftdb2 server and no longer the EBI. If you used to use the server at EBI, this is the site where development continues.

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2011-02-09

More bugfixes

A number of bugfixes have been deployed to nmrshiftdb2. This includes a major rework of the submit process "under the hood", but also more noticeable things like a speedup of the formula search.

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2010-10-30

More data

1111 new 13C spectra have been added to the database.

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2010-09-24

Development has started

A speedup of the potential multiplicity search, which got slow over time, was the first improvment to be implemented. So development of nmrshiftdb2 has actually started

Posted by Stefan Kuhn 2010-09-10