
#9 Failure of the 3-site dispersion models when pB and pC are zero.

relax's source code
Relaxation dispersion

This was discovered by Luca Codutti in the ilsacripante relax fork on GitHub. All details were reported at Further investigation shows that this is not only a 3-site MMQ model issue, but it also affects the 3-site R1rho model.


  • Edward d'Auvergne

    This is specifically the issue from

    1st error in grid search
    relax gives RelaxWarning error: invalid value encountered in true_divide during grid search.
    nan data give inf values during simplex minimization which break the minimization.

    The trace back brings you to the function, and it turns out that the error is straightforward:
    pB_pC is defined in relax/lib/dispersion/ as

    pB_pC = pB + pC k_BA = pA * kex_AB / pA_pB k_AB = pB * kex_AB / pA_pB k_CB = pB * kex_BC / pB_pC k_BC = pC * kex_BC / pB_pC

    As pC is defined as 1 -pA -pB, you get a divide by 0 error 3 lines later if pA is set to 1 and pB to 0 in the grid search. For this reason I added a pB_lower and a pA_upper function in /specific_analyses/relax_disp/ which specifically sets pB_lower to 0.01 if 3site exchange models are used and pA_upper to 0.99. This is a workaround, if you guys have a better solution I would be glad.


    Last edit: Edward d'Auvergne 2019-03-05
  • Edward d'Auvergne

    • status: open --> fixed
  • Edward d'Auvergne

    This was fixed in commit 141031.


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