
NetMess Java Client / News: Recent posts

Welcome Nodezilla

For something new in P2P world, tryou:

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2004-04-07

Client 0.92 Available

As usual cosmetic changes and minor bug fixes.

- Client: Some cosmetic changes
- Client: now handles correctly some other HTTP answers like 206 (partial content)
- Client: Some strange random problems at startup (window not displayed) fixed
- Client: Fix when downloading from firewalled nodes

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2002-05-06

Client 0.90 is here

CVS updated; get the client shipped with 0.10.3-douchka netmess release

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2002-03-25

Client 0.89 Almost OK

It's near release, just some problems when trying to download behind a NTLM only proxy and it will be ok.

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2002-03-05

First Version of the client with remote control

The actual CVS holds the first version of the client offering access through an embedded web server (it's Jetty for java people); This allows you to access your client remotly (Client running in-house, and you using it from office) to make searches on the NM network, and download files directly to your in-house computer.
Access to the web remote service is of course password protected.

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2002-01-13

Next Step: Remote control

I'm now working on a way to control a NetMess Client remotly. Ie you will be able to add files to a download list remotly.
You're at work, your NetMess Client runs at home and you will be able to start download directly from your office to be downloaded on your in-house machine, like the AG satellite.

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2002-01-09

Chat in NetMessClient

I'm willing to integrate chat capabilities in the NetMess Client.
Preferably through robust IRC protocol, if you know a Java Bean doing this or have pointer to good java IRC implementation or even can contribute something to this, contact me.
Hint: the NetMessClient source code is available at sourceforge.

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2001-12-14

NetMess's CVS updated

With the cleanest release for now. Seems quite ok, multisource works, no problems reported on this release.

It's an RC

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2001-12-05

Multi Sources download

For beta testers, and developers and whoever wants to try. I updated a new version (beta) of the client supporting Multi Sources download, allowing to retrieve files from multiples nodes at the same time. This really boost download performances.<p>
There is also a bunch of bugfixes.<p>
This is beta material, available from the CVS repository or directly from <a href=>here</a>.

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2001-11-27

The client sources are finally online

This Java source for the 0.86 client.
Currently the latest one.

It's a JBuilder project, should compile using JBuilder on whatever platform JBuilder runs on.

This is the current source for the NetMess Client to Node protocol.

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2001-11-20

The sourceforge project for NetMess is now created

Let me a little time to package the client sources.

The main site is still, your source for infos.

Posted by Ali Bousahid 2001-10-30