
NLPP-Native Language Programming Project / News: Recent posts


Development has begun on the GUI frontend to NLPP (to be developed parallelly with nlppX). This first iteration will be with Qt, but, because this is only a free library for X11 under Linux, we may be switching over to a wxWindows based or GTK+ based interface. New CVS module will be nlppGUI; it should be up fairly soon.

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2003-03-28

nlppX Version 0.7.0

Although nlppX v0.7.0 has been available for about a
week, I totally forgot to put up news about it. So, here
it is. nlppX version 0.7.0 is out, and it features massive
improvements - including a completely redesigned
translator codebase - thanks to our new developer,
kjohnson6. Get it, and read the release notes and
changelog to get the full information on where the
program stands!

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2003-01-30

nlppX Change in Next Version

Because of the great leaps provided by our new developer, Keith, the next release of nlppX will take a bit of a leap forward and jump to at least version 0.7.0. After that, we will probably only have to expand the plugin vocabulary and adapt to GNU gettext before release/

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2003-01-18

nlppX version 0.4.0 imminent

After a few drastic changes to the code by our new developer, Keith Johnson, nlppX is working flawlessly again... as such, version 0.4.0 should be coming out within the next couple of days.

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2003-01-04

nlppX Version 0.3.0

nlppX version 0.3.0 is here! This version is fully GCC-3.2
compatible (after some weird errors were eliminated). The
next step in the development process is to 'clean up' the
code - that is, get rid of #includes that point to .cpp files.

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2002-12-26

nlppX Version 0.2.0 and CVS Update

Version 0.2.0 of NLPP (Extensible) has been released. It is just about the finished product but for some cool little items we might add later on, and compatibility with version 3.x of the GNU C++ compiler. For the moment, translation is flawless, including plugin file reading, catalog reading, indentation, multiple newlines, and several other things.
As far as CVS is concerned, I created the wonderful repository for nlppX (with a module name of... you guessed it! nlppX). the server is .... read more

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2002-12-22

NLPP - Extensible - Version 0.1.3 Release

It took only a little more than a day to release this version, but the program progressed a lot in the meantime. I got rid of most of the problems, the only real one that remains is one with reading the plugin files - and it should be solved fairly soon. Anyway, the problem with reading the catalog is gone, and all translations are working perfectly as far as I tested.

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2002-12-20

Version 0.1.2 Correction

I had mentioned something about the program inserting seven spaces between words when it parsed a file - I made a mistake. The attempt at fixing it I made DID work, I had just forgotten to rebuild before testing it...

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2002-12-19

NLPP - Extensible - Version 0.1.2 Release

Version 0.1.2 source code for nlppX has been released.
This presents a large step forward as all files are being
read, and the program can easily be compiled. The only
flaws for the moment are errors reading some files (but
they are being read) and some problems with writing files.

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2002-12-18

NLPP - Extensible - Version 0.1.0 Release

Source code for Version 0.1.0, the first version of the NLPP - Extensible Project, has been released. It does not execute actual translation tasks. See release notes for more info, as well as the included release document.

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2002-12-01

NLPP Version 0.9.0 Released

Version 0.9.0, the first version of the NLPP - Function Project, has been released. Source code is also available. It is fully function-based. Check the Release Notes for more information.

Posted by Antonio Salazar 2002-11-25