
nJaim / News: Recent posts

njaim 2 has been released

Together with libnjaim-1.1.0, version 2 of njaim-console proves to be more stable and adaptable than version 1. No root privilege is needed to do NAT traversal.

Posted by sam 2006-04-21

libnjaim has been released

Libnjaim is a library for NAT traversal, it will establish reliable UDP connection when direct TCP connetion is impossible. Libnjaim provides a uniform interface simulating the standard socket functions. Caller doesn't have to care about the actual protocol for connection.

Posted by sam 2006-04-06

udpserver has been released

We have released the UDP message server used in njaim for message delivering. Now you could setup your own udpserver or use the publicly accessible test server, by changing your config file.

Posted by sam 2006-03-29