
Nixory / News: Recent posts

Nixory 0.6.3 relased!

Nixory 0.6.3 has been released!
(Take a look to the change log to know what's new in this version)

Posted by Alfredo Spadafina 2007-12-14

Nixory 0.6.3 coming soon

Nixory 0.6.3 is currently under development and will soon be released (May-June 2007). Here's a little preview of new features:

*Code rewritten and splitted into multiple files for more control on single-component improvements. More advanced python features are used to improve global execution speed.
*Better management of memory
*Better management on user preferences (Nixory will come with english language preinstalled. Other additional languages will be available for download and selected directly from GUI)
*Multi-Profile (The user will be able to use more than one firefox profile for scans. Additionally, Nixory will automatically check system variables to find out mozilla user directory path)
*Theme changer (The user will be able to download and use alternative icon themes)
*Improved heuristics and definitions management
*Minor changes to the GUI

Posted by Alfredo Spadafina 2007-04-30

Nixory 0.4.1 released

Nixory 0.4.1 has been released! New important bug fixes and some improvements have been added with this release. Moreover a new feature has been added: Event log system. With it the user can see history and events of the program processes.

Posted by Alfredo Spadafina 2006-04-10