
Bug Fix!

Hey guys!

Download this script and set it to executable (right-click > permissions > check the checkbox to make it executable). The script will fix it automatically. Only use this on Nitrux.


Or follow these instructions on how to apply the fixes manually Issue #32 nomad-plasma-look-and-feel/:

First, we want to remove the existing panel causing the issues.

  1. Open Konsole and type:sudo apt purge --remove nomad-plasma-look-and-feel -y

  2. Delete Plasma Desktop configuration. In Konsole type: rm ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc

  3. Terminate Plasma process to delete cache. In Konsole type:killall plasmashell && rm -R ~/.cache/plasma*

  4. Download the new version of the package from here: and install it.

  5. Reboot. Once you log in the panel will be gone.

And now we want to put the new panel in place which will use Latte.

  1. Remove the existing package with the Latte layout. In Konsole type: sudo apt purge --remove nomad-desktop-settings -y

  2. Remove the layout from your Home. In Konsole type: rm ~/.config/latte/nomad.layout.latte

  3. Download the new version of the package from here: and install it.

  4. Copy the new layout to your home. In Konsole type: sudo cp /etc/skel/.config/latte/nomad-top-panel.layout.latte ~/.config/latte

  5. Change the ownership of the new layout so that your changes persist ($USER means your username). In Konsole type: sudo chown $USER:$USER ~/.config/latte/nomad-top-panel.layout.latte

  6. Edit the configuration file of Latte to use the new layout. In Konsole type: nano ~/.config/lattedockrc and now change the lines curentLayout and lastNonAssignedLayout to nomad-top-panel.

  7. Reboot. Once you log in you will have a new top panel.

Posted by Uri Herrera 2018-09-15

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